My (F23) manager who’s (M30) fucks me in the changing room

I’d always gotten along with my manager, although everything was kept strictly platonic. But even then, I’d notice a wandering eye or lingering look. Something to tell me he was interested but nothing to indicate what he’d actually do.

One day, a few of the other staff had called in sick, leaving us with just a bare bones crew to try and get our way through a busy Saturday shift. He would find little ways to touch me, putting his hands on his waist to get past me or giving me a side-hug for little things, and the combination of a stressful shift with his increase in flirting was starting to leave me flustered.

He was a good-looking man, one of those ones that actually gets phone numbers from customers left for him, so I was flattered by his attention and would be lying if I said I didn’t have a crush. Although I had been warned by other staff that he never sleeps with his employees, so I’d been happy to keep my crush at a distance and just enjoy the flirting.

Categorized as Erotica