Apprenticing as a Tantrika: First Day on the Job

If I could have any job I wanted, I would be a Tantrika. I believe that sexual healing is the most powerful form of therapy possible, and I think just about everyone needs it.

I started down this road a few years ago. I found myself a beautiful and generous mentor by searching online for local tantrikas and reached out to the one who seemed the most familiar, friendly, and open: Arielle.

We had a few video calls to get to know each other and then she invited me to meet with her at her home. We had tea and some snacks and then we took a hot tub together. While we were in the hot tub, a stroke of luck happened when Arielle got a call from her favorite client. She spontaneously scheduled a session for that same afternoon, very excited about introducing him to me. She thought he would be the perfect first client for me as a new apprentice.

He walked in and I was taken aback by this strapping young Syrian man: tall, professional, and shockingly beautiful. I felt a clear, instant attraction to him. He had huge round puppy-dog eyes with the longest thickest eyelashes, and the demeanor of a gentle storybook prince.