Plugged on a Plane [MF] [D/s] [bdsm]

Christmas. ‘Tis the season for helping others, spending time with loved ones, and of course, presents. Especially presents to yourself… that your Sir makes you get at 11pm on a school night.

It was a butt plug. Small, vibrating, remote-controlled. You see, at this sweeter, more innocent time, this now fully blossomed slut before you did not own a single butt plug. (I know, how is that even possible?) I had had anal sex before, and sort of enjoyed it, but I’d never been with anyone who wanted to own and explore every last inch of me. It was new and exhilarating, and when my Sir told me I needed to plug my ass, I had absolutely no problem driving 20 miles to the only sex store open that late. Only a few weeks in and I was *gone*.

We played with it some that week. I had to adjust to the fullness, and I just *had* to let him play around with the vibrating settings. Being long-distance, the feeling of letting him totally control my pleasure was overwhelming and intense but so intimate as well.

Soaking My Tights [Mf] [D/s] [Watersports]

Hey everyone! First story, let me know what you think. This a true story about my [23f] time as a submissive, and there is more where this came from ;)

“Go to the bathroom and take a picture,” I read. I’m already dripping. I’ve been dripping. He knows that I’m dripping, even the barista must know that I’m dripping. I sit up straighter, uncross my legs, and try not to let it show how good the cool air feels against my barely covered clit. I need to get up and take this picture—coming from Sir, it’s not a request.

But first, I have to drink a glass of water.

It’s our first time playing this little game I invented: I have to hold my pee as long as I possibly can, as long as he wants me to. I’d hold my breath as long as he wanted me to. The basic premise was a co-discovery, but I added one masochistic detail. Every time I got even more unbelievably turned on, I had to drink a glass of water, sending proof if possible. This was my eighth glass of water in the last hour. My heart always races when I see a new message from him, but now I was hoping against all hope that it wasn’t another video, another elaborate fantasy of his, another order. And, of course, wishing with my whole body that it was.