
The group turned into a dingy alleyway towards the address, the smell perfectly complimenting the aesthetic. Peering down behind them, a group of men admired the contrast between their femininity and the dirty surroundings. One step, a hand placed across his chest and a soft but commanding “not yet” was all that tied the two groups together.

“Are you sure we’re going the right way?” She had been complaining the entire time, her skin tight white dress, heels, “bride to be” sash and tiara framing her as the princess she liked to be seen as. The snowbunny thought she was God’s gift to men, and she wasn’t wrong about it. Her body was fine art, and her personality was enough to make any man drop to his knees and promise her the Instagram wedding of her dreams.

The club was nice, but loud, and their VIP section went straight onto the dance floor. Dancing and enjoying themselves, the women barely noticed when one slipped off and headed to the men’s bathroom. Confidently walking in, she made an announcement before returning to the group. “Good evening, gentleman! I’m not going through it all again, stick to the assignment. Have fun.”

“Smile” [Abduction, group, masochist, sadist…]

They came out of nowhere, three men in ski masks hellbent on catching her as quickly as possible. Maybe the late night walk to buy cigarettes was a bad idea. A hand was placed around her mouth and an unfamiliar scent filled her nose, the van entering her peripherals as her vision faded. After hastily stuffing her into the van, the last one looked around and closed the doors.

“May I have the honours?”

“You know what, you may.”

“Fuck yes!”

The shortest one wasted no time tearing her clothes off, savouring the moment of perversion. His hand hovered over her naked body, up and over her curves to her face and began to roughly touch it. Still unconscious, she moved like a ragdoll. “Not yet.” The driver’s words startled him and he let go of her face. “Why not?”

“I want her to suffer.”

She woke up as her body fell from the van onto the concrete floor, hitting her head on the way down. Dazed, she opened her eyes and tried to look around. The bag over her head obstructed everything, and the slightly recycled air made her more lightheaded than returning to reality after being chloroformed did. Blinking in an attempt to fix her sight, she began to fight. Assuming she would stay asleep, the man carrying her had only been holding one ankle and her kick caught him off guard. “The fu-“

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“CNC is Not Rape”

The whore before him was physically immaculate and begging to please him. He had ordered her to remove her clothing, and her loose dress fell to the ground, revealing her perfect body. Everything leading up to that moment had been perfect. She had laughed at all of his jokes and the sparkle in his eye made him feel important. Having her on his arm made him feel like a millionaire, and the sequenced dress and heels complimented her figure. The looks of jealousy and lust made his pants tight all night, and the sneaky gropes kept him excited for what was to come.

Walking into the house, his nerves picked up. The gorgeous woman stole his attention back, reminding him that his pleasure was all that mattered. Leading her to the bedroom, they kissed and touched each other like excited teenagers. He let go when they were at the end of his bed, and sat in an armchair a few metres in front of her. She stood there, confidently and silently, awaiting to see what was about to happen. “Present yourself properly”. The thin straps were slid off her shoulders and the dress fell to the ground. She made a few poses, twirled and climbed onto the bed sexily.

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‘Leap of Faith’ [MF] CNC, somnophilia, stranger

She really did want to be fucked like a princess, that boring vanilla sex wasn’t worth an hour on public transport. His date’s incessant pillow talk was making him regret agreeing to spend the night, but it would be rude if he left now and would probably take two hours. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep while the basic Tinder slut talked. The topics were boring, but he perked up once she started talking about her housemate. It was clear his date didn’t understand her, but he did. It was a rapekink and the judgement from the slut next to him made him want shove his cock in her mouth just to shut her up. He was only there to get his dick wet but it seemed like an opportunity had presented itself.

It felt like hours before he was able to move, the soft snores confirming that he was free to go. He gathered up his things from her room and headed for the front door. The living room light was hastily turned on and he double checked his bag, everything was there. He meticulously placed his shoes and bag at the door, then flicked the light off. Halfway down the hallway was his date’s room, but it was the room at the end that he was interested in. Closing the door behind him, her saw his prey for the first time. He was going to take advantage of the rapeslut in front of him, and she would either enjoy it or he was about to lose his freedom.

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“Finder’s Keepers” [MF] CNC erotica

It was not long after breakfast time and the shops were bustling with people on a mission. He was sitting alone having his coffee when she ordered her juice from a nearby store, there was something familiar about her. Watching as she patiently waited, he searched his mind and remembered where he had seen her. She looked better online but her mind was what’s he wanted. This couldn’t seriously be her, he had to be seeing things. But surely enough, she charismatically thanked the staff member and skipped away with her drink. He wondered how much of what he had read was just a fantasy to her. Would she cry rape if he approached her and gave her what she’s asking for?

He could feel his urges and desires rising as he left his coffee sitting on the table and started casually following her. She didn’t seem to have any real reason to be there. Floating in and out of the shops, he could feel himself getting more frustrated, his pants getting tighter as he watched her like the predator he longed to be. His thoughts raced. “She’s a slut, a free-use slut with a rapekink. This innocent woman, the one being nice to everyone… needs that innocence stolen.” He wanted her to go into an alleyway or a bathroom, somewhere away from prying eyes, but she started heading to the carpark. If this was going to happen, he had to make his move now.

“Alpha” [FM] submission, domination, control

Four miles, that’s all she had to go. The snow was heavier than usual and her coworkers didn’t register what she meant when she said she didn’t have a car. It was already dark when she had left the library and the weather was starting to get worse. She recognised a marker on the street corner and sighed a breath of relief, her friend lived a block away and had offered his couch a few times. It was too cold to keep walking and she did want to stay there regardless. They had a good connection and she wanted him. Impulsively, she switched directions and headed towards his front door.

Laughter erupted from inside the house and she was greeted with a smug face. “So you finally took me up on the offer.” “I am literally dying.” She pushed past him and started to unzip her coat. “Did you forget your gloves again?” “Always. Who wears gloves?” “Everyone.” “Not in Australia.” “We’re not… I have friends over but they’ll be leaving soon.” He was a foot taller than her and exuded dominance, the kind that makes a woman want to drop to her feet from a polite request. He often joked about hiring a woman to clean his apartment after the boys came over, and she could see why. He was being generous enough to let her stay, on a Friday night nonetheless, cleaning up a bit was the least she could do. After being introduced to his friends, she started looking for something to do that wouldn’t disturb the men.

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“Don’t Stop Running” MF | CNC, power exchange, violence, degredation, gym, workout, sadist, massochist 🖤

Determined to tone up, she had committed herself to an intense two hour session with a personal trainer once a week. Going to the gym was always exhausting but it was ultimately worth it. Her trainer was absolutely ruthless and she dreaded her sessions with him because he ran her senseless. But there were more perks beyond the clear physical changes she’d seen in the two months she had been going there. Her trainer was fun and their sessions were always held after the gym closed. She was weak and he thought it was funny to punish her for it, his sadistic tendencies and love for physical fitness combining in callous domination. There were still thirty-six minutes of her session remaining when she tried to tap out.

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“Netflix: Are You Still Fucking?” First time posting my erotica outside of my own bubble 😊 [CNC, free use, MFM]

Netflix and chill was a well established saying, she knew why she was there. The fact they were watching Wreck-It Ralph at 11am on a Wednesday made it even more obvious. Sitting on his bed, the sexual tension was high. Her body was curled up on his as they kissed for the first time. Pulling away, he looked her in the eyes and said “you should suck my cock.”

Without hesitation, she bent over between his knees and started pleasuring him, his cock growing quickly in her mouth. He reached down and lifted up her dress, caressing her thighs and cheeks as he moved upwards. Laughing, he grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up. “Of course you’re not wearing underwear.” “I took them off when I went to the bathroom bef-” She took the slap to the face well and stopped talking. “Did I say you could stop sucking?” “But-” The second slap threw her off more than the first one had. “Suck. My. Cock. Slut” she couldn’t. He was holding her at least 30cm away from his cock and had a firm grasp of her hair. Smirking, she pulled her head away from his hand as much as she could, tearing a few strands out from the force. She thought he had relaxed and allowed it into her mouth as a reward but she was sorely mistaken.

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