[FF] The Scent of the Flame–A romance between a rocker and her new crush

I'm working on an erotica/romance story on a free writing site. I don't profit off it if you click to read more. Here's the first chapter:

It was 8 pm. Kris tamed her messy mop of black hair, straight bangs falling over her eyes with blonde highlights. She’d hesitated before accepting the invitation to a new friend’s house because she hadn’t had any luck meeting people, ever. It was as if right when things were turning horrible for her, a knight in shining Ray Bans was there to comfort and console, nursing her post traumatic stress-induced wounds… over Skype.

Kris didn’t self-harm but she subtly self-medicated. Alcohol was her drug of choice. It was cheap, efficient, and weakened inhibitions. Suffice to say, the beer did a good job of masking her true feelings on the long drive to Alex’s house.

They had a lot in common, namely, one another’s interest in lesbian romances, so they had a movie playing in no time. Beer and wine were had and a quickly cooked meal of their favorite—quesadillas. The movie of choice—Better than Chocolate. The movie reminded Kris that she had her strap-on in the car—a habit from her days with her last girlfriend but she hadn’t needed to use it because she was fresh out of libido ever since. Alex, however, had different plans.