Hi everyone!
So me and my Daddy have started an account and began posting about our relationship. We aren’t able to be open and honest about it in real life so in that sense it is very restrictive. We agreed that maybe Reddit would be the place where we could at least be free, fairly anonymous and without the level of judgement we would receive from friends and family. We have been asked so many times about how this started so I decided to write a fairly concise story of how it all unfolded. I hope you like it:
The events of me [F19] and Daddy started fairly innocently. My biological Dad had left years ago and it was just my mother left in the house with me. I’d like to say her drinking started after him but it was her drinking that drove him away. She’s hot that’s no secret but whenever she drinks she is an utter bitch. She was a high-functioning alcoholic who was still able, for the most part, to maintain her lifestyle but in some ways this made things worse. To say she is judgemental and negative is an understatement. If someone offered her the world she would want the universe. Nothing is ever enough for her and the only thing that seems to dull her need for more is alcohol. She eventually sobered up but only after smashing her car up and receiving a DUI charge. That’s when my Step-Dad came on to the scene.