I (35M) fucked my ex-wife’s niece (18F) in the back of my car

I got divorced last year. Ex wife has a niece (her sister’s daughter) who was over 18 for all of this.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing (I know) and the niece is really into theatre/drama. Two months ago she sent me a Facebook message asking how I was and asking if I could read the script for a stageplay she had written. I read it and told her what I thought and we talked about. A few weeks later she said she was raising money for a school trip over spring break and asked if I could donate so I sent her $200. She was real appreciative and at this point she started texting me every day. And occasionally just randomly sending me selfies. And sometimes these selfies had cleavage. So I knew this was crossing a boundary but fuck it she’s 18 so I didn’t stop it.

So this past weekend we were both busy and didn’t text much. On Monday she goes “I missed you so much! We should hang out sometime!” So we made plans to meetup Wednesday night for dinner (last night). We meetup at a chain restaurant and she’s wearing this grey top low cut showing lots of boob.

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