[mf] Whipped Cream Bikini (Male POV)

What a day. The thought that often ran through my head as I stepped through the door to our home. It was hard to explain, the emotion that filled my heart and mind whenever I arrived home, or even thought of home. The home itself was fine, but what we’d created in the space together was something else. We’d nested. We’d created a place that was ours, but aside from the physical space it was much more than that. The thought of home… the thought of coming home had you prominently in the centre. You were my home. The possessions were just things. Possessions came and went. Faded and withered… they were part of the space we occupied, but when I thought of the word “home” it had nothing to do with the space itself, but 100% to do with you. You were home.

It was odd, as I began to strip off my outer layer, to not have you greeting me at the door, or at least acknowledging my presence in the space. After hanging up my jacket and leaning down to undo my boots I rose and called out your name but didn’t hear a response. “Odd” I said out loud as I wandered into the house. I stopped. I heard something… Music? Yes… Music from upstairs, wasn’t it?

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