An average futanari’s adventures Ch.1

Transitioning from the dark street to the well lit interior of the hotel was a shock for Haley’s eyes, but they adjusted quickly. After she’d taken a few steps across the lobby, the attendant behind the desk looked up at her. Likely only to confirm that he had in fact heard someone enter. It was too late for anyone to care about her intentions, even if the timing of her arrival didn’t make them immediately obvious.

Punching 13 on the elevator, she felt herself ascend gently. A slight wave of nerves washed over her. She’d never hooked up like this before. It was always at her’s or her partner’s house, and also never with a stranger. She’d been getting desperate however. Having just made it past a month with no sexual satisfaction outside of her own hand caused her to download multiple dating apps. One of which led her to Rhonda.