[MF][oral] Bored waiting for a train so I thought I’d eat out a girl in my imagination instead :)

The train car is empty and the city has long since been left behind. You and I are the only two people traveling and it's going to be a long boring trip. I notice you when I boarded, your jean shorts looked like they were poured over your sexy ass and your tshirt, while not as revealing, certainly hinted at something wonderful underneath. You made eyes at me when I first showed up, and after the conducted had checked tickets you caught me glancing over at you a few times. One time you definitely caught me trying to sneak a look at your breasts under your tshirt. Realizing that I'm being rude I opt to start a conversation. We obviously have both ridden this line a lot and we chat about delays, stops, destinations. During a lull in our chat I can't help but glance at your cleavage again, and again you catch me, except this time I meet your eyes and stare at you with a look on my lips that makes your pussy tingle. I stand up and cross the aisle and start to sit down next to you but before I even get my ass in the seat I take your face in my hands, tilt it towards me, and kiss you. Lightly at first, my lips are soft and as you kiss back I settle I to my new seat and my lips part.l, my tongue sliding out and probing your mouth. You can hear the constant rattle of the train and the sway of the cars as I kiss you deeper and harder. My hand rests on your stomach, then slides up and cups one of your breasts through your shirt. There's hesitation as I realize what we're doing and where, but the feel of your breast against my palm is too amazing to ignore and I squeeze, my kissing becoming hotter as I breath faster. My hungry hands move quickly and you feel your shirt lifted up and your bra tugged down and your nipple hardens in the cold air conditioned air of the train car. You feel my mouth on your neck, then my teeth scrape along the bottom of your breast. You realize your half topless in public and your eyes scan the doors of the car quickly, looking for possible intruders, when you feel my warm mouth suck on your nipple. My tongue rolls over it, feeling how hard it is, my lips sucking it and my breath pours into your cleavage. My body is pressing up against yours and you know this is crazy but fuuuuuuuck it feels good as I lift the rest of your shirt up and move to the other breast. Hungry mouth French kisses all over your tits as I moan into your chest. Your head is spinning and then, again, you realize where you are and you pull me head off of you. Knowing the conductor will be back and minute I glance around and you can see me debating something in my head. I give you another look, like the one I gave before I came over to kiss you, and then I'm undoing the front of your jeans. Before you can react my fingers are stroking the outside of your panties and I lean in and whisper in your ear, "Please let me make you cum real quick." Taking your silence for a "Yes" my head dips down and my fingers are replaced on your panties by my tongue. You can feel it grinding into you pussy lips and then my fingers tug your panties aside and my tongue swirls up and around your clit. Hungrily I start to lick around and around your clit, my face burrowing into your lap. My lips take your clit between them and as I suck you gently over them again and again my tongue is spiraling over your clit faster and faster. I move my arms and your legs slip over my shoulders and you lean back as my fingers slide inside of you; fucking you, stroking your pussy deep inside as my tongue massages your clit while we rock in rhythm with the train cars. My tongue slows down, then starts swirling again in the over direction; my face following your pussy as you buck and moan underneath me; and as my fingers sink deep into you and curl up slightly, gently stroking the top of your pussy and my hot breath pours over your thighs you arch your back, plant your feet on my back and cum against my fade as I moan appreciatively. My mouth stays on you, not moving, as you cum and then come down. I remove my mouth and do up your jean shorts as I lick my lips clean. As I sit back down next to you the conductor comes through calling out the next stop.

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Mf more random thoughts…

As we fall onto the bed I kiss you deeply, my tongue tasting yours and my soft lips opening hungrily. My fingers slide inside of you and begin to stroke you deep inside, slowly, as my lips move to your neck and then to your breasts. I lick and suck your nipples, the tips of my fingers inside of you just barely stroking the top of your pussy. Moving back and forth from one breast to the other I tease your nipples hard and slowly begin fingering you harder. My tongue moves between your breasts and runs over your chest before sliding down your body in one quick motion, swirling quickly around your belly button, then moving between your thighs. I'm kneeling at the edge of the bed with my face between your legs and as I lick all around your pussy lips you can feel my breath pouring over your skin, my fingers still fucking you. My tongue finds your clit and my lips wrap around it and I swirl my tongue faster and faster around and around your clit as my fingers fuck you. I encourage you to wrap your legs around my shoulders and put your fingers in my hair, moaning into your lap, begging you to fuck my face. My tongue slows down and the tip teases your clit before circling it again in the other direction, pressing against it hot and wet, fingers fucking you as I start sucking on your clit, my soft lips sliding over and over it. As you push up against my face my fingers slide in and out of your wet pussy. I take one, long, last lick of your clit, stroking my entire tongue over it before I stand up and undo my pants, sliding them down quickly along with my boxers. Then my hands are on your body, flipping you over, though before you wind up face down on the bed you notice that my cock is rock hard and throbbing. One hand buries in the back of your hair, bunching up in a fist and pulling hard as I slide into you from behind. You can feel how fucking turned on I am, my cock is throbbing inside of you and I pull your head back and start fucking your wet pussy hard and fast. My hips are slapping against your ass over and over and my free hand slaps your ass some more before moving up to your shoulder so I can pull you back against me harder. I'm crying out, over and over again, loving the feel of your wet pussy and my fingernails dig into your shoulders as I start fucking you completely out of control. I scream out and you feel me cumming inside of you, spraying hot wet cum deep into your pussy as my hips slow down and I lean forward and, spent, weakly nuzzle your neck.

[MF] [light bondage] Caught in the pouring rain…then the start of fun inside, could go on with this? Not sure what people want as I’m new. Comments and PMs welcome.

The rain poured down and caught us while we were halfway around the lake. It was warm out and humid as hell so we were just wearing tshirts and shorts. You know damn well that your shirt is clinging to your skin and you see me staring at you with playful eyes as we walk back to the cabin. It's just us for the weekend, groceries and beer and wine are all purchased and the other guests had to back out, so when we get back inside you don't hesitate to let me get a good look at your body in your soaking wet clothes. It's cooler off the lake though and we both are getting a little chilly so you suggest a hot shower. I suggest something different. I lead you over to the large wooden table in the living room and push you gently back onto it. You're expecting a kiss, but when you see the look in my eyes you know I have much more in store. I push your ass back onto the table and then slowly push you back so your lying down. You gasp as I lift up your legs and slide you further back so your heels are barely hanging over the edge and your whole body is laid out against the hard wood. I tell you not to move, then wander off. You hear me rummaging about in the kitchen and when I come back, I approach from the head of the table so you can't see me. I reach over you and take one of your wrists and lift it over your head. You close your eyes and can feel soft rope being tied around your wrist. The other arm follows and just like that you have your arms bound up over your head. It's dark out but you can see me smiling at you as I move around to the foot of the table. I feel your sneakers to judge how wet they are and, unfortunately, I decide that they better come off. Your socks follow. Your feet are wet and the cool mountain air brushes over them as I tie your ankles down. I come over to the side of the table and look you up and down. Your shirt is drying a little bit, but your shorts are still wet and your body has goosebumps all over. I lean over you and press my soft lips against yours and part your mouth to taste your tongue with a long, deep, kiss that goes on forever. Then I back away and take another look at your wet clothes. I reach under the table and when I come back up I have a pair of stainless steel scissors in one hand. I get up on the table and straddle you, you squirm under me but I just remain steady. I open up the scissors and pull your wet shirt taut against your skin. The soaking fabric brushes against your nipples and I look at them and smile. Then I start to concentrate. I take the bottom of your shirt between the open scissors, you feel the cold metal against your skin and, just barely, the very tip of the bottom blade scraping against you. I close the blades and begin to cut your shirt off of you. The scissors move slowly, my concentration has me utterly absorbed as I close, then open, then close the blades of the scissors. You feel them moving up your body, behind them your shirt is split open. My breathing gets hard and my focus more adament as the tip of the blade reaches your breasts. You feel it gently against your skin. I take tiny, careful cuts, working my way between your cleavage, the wet skin of your stomach in the cool air and the cold steel of the scissors sliding between your breasts. You feel the tip of the scissors, the gentlest of pressure, against your neck, and then with one final cut the front of your shirt is cut through. I set the scissors aside and as you writhe underneath me I slowly pull back one half of your shirt, letting the wet cotton slide over your breast. I pause and reverse the motion, this time spreading the fabric out so it glides cold and wet over your nipple, before sliding it off and opening one breast to the cold air. Almost immediately my mouth is on it, soft and warm, kissing and licking and leaving a different kind of wetness all over your skin. My teeth slide over your breast and lightly bite your nipple as my hand moves to the soaking wet half of a shirt covering the rest of your body. This time my palm cups your breast through your shirt while my mouth sucks on your other nipple. My tongue flicking hot and wet over one nipple as my palm grinds your wet shirt against the other, slowly sliding it off of your body. My hair is brushing through your cleavage and my breath is pouring over you as my sucking and kissing moves from one breast to the other, teasing each nipple to firmness and tasting it in my mouth, feeling it harden against my tongue.

Just letting my mind wander last night [MF] [Oral] [xpost]

You have on a t-shirt and your little sweat shorts, just bumming around the house doing some errands. I see you coming down the hallway, your t-shirt hugging your body and your shorts showing off your legs. I put my hand on your stomach and turn you aside and push you up against the wall. Before you can even react I'm nuzzling your neck and tilting your head back and tasting your skin. You try to put your arms around me and draw me in for a kiss but I'm brainwashed by your body and can't resist dropping onto my knees. I take your hands and put them in my hair and close my eyes as you rub your fingers over my scalp. I lift your shirt up and just press my forehead against your stomach, exhaling so my breath runs all over your body. My teeth nip at you and you can feel how excited I am by the way my hands tremble against your legs. I slide my palms up your thighs and over your shorts and pull them down, then press your naked ass up against the wall. My mouth leans in and my lips press against your pussy and I begin to French kiss your pussy lips open, my breath coming faster as I finally get to worship your pussy the way I love to…