Date night at the hotel… married couple gets frantic [MF] [str8]

Traffic was a bitch and I pulled into the valet 23 minutes late. I chastised myself for never planning to get the fuck out of the office fast enough for date night. Then I told myself Liz is patient and she won’t care. She’s probably looking hot by the bar throwing eyes at men who are ogling her tits. Not that I blame them. She has good game like that, and nice tits for that matter.

Finally into the damn bar, I waded through the crowd to our usual spot, and sure enough, there she was getting attention from several attractive younger fellows. “Jokes on you, fools.” I thought as I rolled up like I owned the place.

“Hey baby,” I pronounced probably louder than I needed to as I leaned in and kissed her neck. “Show’s over kids.” They turned back to their beers as I leaned Liz back and we locked tongues.

“It’s about fucking time,” she said around my kiss.

“I know… I know… I’ll definitely make it up to you when you’re nice and drunk.”

“Oh really? What will I do when I’m drunk?” she retorted. We always play this little game.

The Passed Out Chick [MFF] [FF] [mast] [nc] [voy]

It’s 11:30 and Ell and I leave the bar to walk home. It was a good night out with some friends, several of whom were dressed in some outstandingly slutty dresses and I’m horny as fuck. So is Ell. These friends don’t know she loves pussy, but it’s fun that we both get to talk about what we’d do to them if we could have our way with those tight bodies.

It’s just a few minutes home to our loft downtown. It’s a second floor walk-up. We picked it up a few years ago and we love the place. It’s close to the nightlife but it’s not too loud because it’s tucked back off the street behind a little green space.

It’s not uncommon to see some partiers out who have had too much to drink. We dodge the sloppy ones. Ell gets the keys out as we approach the stoop and stop. There’s a freakin’ body right there in the shadows of our door. WTF? I kneel down. It’s a little brunette. She looks like she tied one on tonight and decided to “rest” on the way home. I think I might have seen her around the neighborhood actually.