A loving couple, Part 1 [sharing, hotwife]

I originally wrote this for a good friend. I hope she won’t mind my sharing it here — I enjoyed re-reading it recently and I hope others will it enjoy it too. All rights reserved, please do not copy and use elsewhere.

(Warning — length)


The trip to the hardware store takes Daniel a little more time than he had planned for … which is no surprise. Every time he goes, he reflects, there seems to be something that distracts him, or something he remembers that he’s been meaning to get.

Today it was new screening and rubber spline to fix the back screen door, which has a few holes in it big enough to let squadrons of mosquitoes in. And while it’s only February, Daniel knows that a warmer-than-usual winter will mean more bugs, and earlier bugs, than normal in the fast-approaching spring.

Resisting the urge to buy stuff he doesn’t need at the hardware store, he checks out with his purchases, hops in the car, then makes a quick side trip to his favorite liquor store for a bottle of Jen’s favorite wine and a six-pack of the IPA he can’t resist.