A visit from a friend [mF]

Around 10 years ago, I met a woman at a friend’s party. Let’s call her Amy. It just a casual hang out around a fire pit, with plenty of booze to go around. Amy was clearly older than me, but I found her very attractive. Big smile, ample breasts, and a pleasantly thick body. She was not much of a drinker, and watching her get giggly and loopy after just a couple beers was pretty funny. We didn’t talk much that night, but a couple days later I decided to just add her on Facebook and see what happened. To my surprise, she accepted my invite right away and we started chatting. She was married at this time, so I kept the conversation appropriate and respectful, but all the while it felt extremely flirty to me.

I ended up moving to a new city not long after that, and we still kept in touch. A few years later, she got divorced. Sometimes we’d text all day long, other times weeks would go by. But we always seemed to be part of each others lives, despite only really meeting that one time.