The afternoon

By Katie’s Passion

My brother and I were fidgeting around the house all morning after Mom announced her and my father were going out for the afternoon. She just sort of slipped the information out while she was rolling a cookie dough in the kitchen. I locked eyes with my brother the moment the words left her lips. I knew he was thinking the same thing as me… 

So we killed those tense two hours by distracting ourselves as best we could from the urges simmering below the surface. You see, for the last year we had secretly been lovers. That’s right, the ultimate taboo – fornication between siblings. I mean, in our defence, we were pretty hard to resist. I lost count of the girls who hit on James, and I seemed to be turning down a suitor every second day. We just had great genes. He had the kind of sculpted face and body that you see in advertisements for cologne. It never failed to get his sis wet. 

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