An encounter with a redditor [Noncon, Reluctant, Creampie, M31/F27]

You’ve been talking to a nice guy that you met from a r4r subreddit…and you two hit it off.

The stranger gave you some instructions for you to follow as your conversations got kinky.

Here are your instructions:

– You will start to always sleep naked (if you don’t already).

– You will leave your front door unlocked when you go to sleep.

– You will answer this message with a message detailing your full name, and your address.

One night I will come to your home. It may be tonight, it may be in a week or it may be in a month or two. Who knows?

After messaging me back with your details you go about your business as usual, eventually you don’t think of it anymore. Little did you know, I had planned when I would come over.

I will enter silently, careful not to wake you up. I will be carrying a bag with the things I need. I will enter your bedroom and put the bag on the floor, still careful not to make a sound. The first thing I will pick up will be a nightlight, which I’ll put in, casting a soft light over your bedroom. I will take my time, moving carefully and slowly.