[nc] [Mf] [Trigger warning]- Rape fantasy, PM for any stories you would like or were afraid to ask for.

examples of work from my sub: here

The turn.

The moment he put his hand across her mouth she went quiet.

He could see her trembling, but in her eyes he saw she had that giddy feeling of token resistance to him.

He got his thick well worn grubby ring finger out, and began using it to inspect her skirt.

He pushed down and had a feel.

It was damp.

As much as there was terror in her eyes she was that much more fully engorged, dripping and seething with part contempt and genuine arousal.

He could feel that gushing feel as he rubbed the outside of her knickers.

The panties discoloured.

They went off white, he pushed into her though them and immediately he felt a gush and she let off a soft moan into his covered hand.

His long tendril of a ring finger pushed almost uncomfortably into her hole.

He felt the liquid pressure of plasma and squirts against his finger and the flimsy cotton cloth barrier of her loins.