Sweet dreams part B

# Sweet dreams part B


Sweat Dreams are made of these


We can dance if we want to.

Part B

Now where did I left off… See Kelley got an easy access dress, The queen is interested in Kelley or Stacey sexually, Nice secluded place for public sex, our chess fight it really loved, and oh Stacey and Kelley traded gown so we can have easy access to Stacey today…. Really? Time for more.

“Will, we need to talk about Meg.” Said Kelley. “Are you sure she is interested me?” “No, it might be Stacey. But my gut is saying it is you. Every since the fight class she has talked about you more than Stacey.” “What should I do if she ask me to go out.” “The same thing if a man would ask you out. If you don’t like him, turn him down. If you like him…well You do not have, to but we ask you keep us informed and be safe.” I give Kelley a hug and Stacey hugged Kelley also.

“We need to get ready it is almost time for company meeting.”

Sweet Dreams

# Sweet Dreams


Sweat Dreams are made of these


We can dance if we want to.

Part A

We were coming back from breakfast. Kelley and Stacey were walking into the apartment first.

“Have I mentioned I hate to see you two leave but I love to watch you walk away.” “Not today” said Stacey as she turned around and kissed me. “Will, enough of the talk I want to practice at least 1 more time before tomorrow chess match” said Kelley. Last week it started as a joke down in the commons with Meg that she should let Kelley attack me with a sword that then turned into a fight for chess.

The scene end with Stacey hitting me with a 2X4 while Kelley stands over me with both swords. We were just using the fight that Meg and Kelley did in class. We been practicing every evening and since we all took Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off we would practice some more today before we leave and check in at the hotel across from the faire.

A tale of Fire and Steel

# A tale of Fire and Steel


“The blades sang like the strokes of a hammer on a blacksmith’s anvil echoing in the empty churchyard.”
― [**The Cavalier Club**](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/47465497)Stanley Goldyn,

Oh look the SAFD (Society of American Fight Directors) sent me a form letting me know I need to renew my certs…. Why now?

I look up from the form and realized I should have done this last year when I was on my grace year but that is now almost over. I better call Raymond he is probably running a refresher program.

“Hey Kelley, can you please bring my cell from table, your sister has turned into a kitten and won’t move.” “A little cream and I will move” said Stacey. It will be one of those nights.

I hate to do this but I Have a busy morning and three of us in the bed is not conducive to sleep.” “Well give me a kiss before you go. How about you Stacey are you staying tonight or heading back?” I should head home but I rather not considering I will be spending the next two weeks setting up a new store.

Daddy and his two little girls play dress up

# Daddy and his two little girls play dress up


Before this story starts I want to explain that at the time of writing this I am almost finished with the story of the Hurricane knows as Kelley and out first meeting. I need to explain it was a story and I hope no one takes it seriously. None of these stories ever happened.

I know what happened in that story between Stacey and Kelley at best would be sexual assault and at worst rape. I do not condone these things. The character WillKnotthe1st has problems with the incident as you will read but Stacey forgiving nature and Will’s love of her makes him more forgiving than he should be.


Why is this not more strange than it is. I am sitting on this couch reaching out to Stacey, at my desk, with my foot stroking her leg as she finishes her report and at the same time Kelley has her head laying on my lap reading my copy of Hawkins “A brief history of time: From the big Bang to Black holes”

The Hurricane Kelley

# Old Sailor saying “Red sky in the morning Sailors take warning. Red sky at night Sailors delight”


I like to thank every one for the kind words, feedback, and inspirations.


As an actor I have always lean towards to believing certain superstitions such as during a performance of Macbeth you call it “The Scottish Play”. I believe in ghost. I hope there are fairies. One superstition I never believed in was the old sailor saying about the sky….. till the day Kelley walked in.

It was a Tuesday which meant I was in early to help unload the truck but do to a malfunction truck the day before, we received two truck pack to the rafter with items for out First “Parking lot Sale.”

It seems that one of the items they were going to sell at the lot sale was physical fitness equipment…IE dumbbells. There was 12 skids full and each skid literally weighed a ton. The Tuesday crew killed it by finishing by 8:30.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick “sink shower” and put on my work uniform and headed to the cash office to prep for opening.

The Promise to the pretty Manger is full filled (Part 5)

# The Promise to the pretty Manger is full filled (Part 5)


If you enjoyed this collections, le me know. I have more stories to tell but only if you want to read therm.

I knew she was there and awake. She was looking at me and I am sure smiling. “Are you going to look at me or maybe give me a kiss but be warned I have carpet breath.”

She chuckles and kisses the tip of my nose and I open my eyes. I look at her and asked “Been up long?” Her “Long enough.”Long enough for what?” I asked. “You will see.”

I reach out and stroke her face and smile “Yes I will see.” She sat up and I can smell the bacon frying and I am hungry. I roll over sit up, and stand up and head for the main room following her.

“Do I have enough time for a cold shower before breakfast?” I can see she is wearing one my t shirt with the over size collar hole sliding down her should. It was very 80 chic.

The Pretty Manger’s Corset Dive (Part 4) ?nsfw

# The Pretty Manger’s Corset Dive (Part 4)


to [u/CplKarr](https://www.reddit.com/u/CplKarr/) thanks for the idea for the rewrite. It kept me awake but I finished it.

Well who is at my apartment at 5:35 pm Friday, Yep Stacey. She comes in and I have the table set with her favorite Chinese food including her favorite, Crab Rangoon.

I tell her to Go change into some casual clothing then it dinner time, then I need to introduce her to what is in my closet…the one in the bedroom with the lock.

Well she switched into a t shirt and some runner shorts and sits down and we just dig in taking time out to feed each other. Once done we walk back into the bedroom and Stacey sits on the bed and I unlock the closet and turn towards to her. This closet is my armory, It contains my weapons and armor I use to protect my self from the mundane world.

Categorized as Erotica

What was I thinking accepting My pretty Managers gift (Part 3)nsfw

**62/300**[**r/nsfwstories**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwstories/)•Posted by[u/WillKnotThe1st](https://www.reddit.com/user/WillKnotThe1st/)[5 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwstories/comments/ikxsr0/what_was_i_thinking_accepting_my_pretty_managers/)[**What was I thinking accepting My pretty Managers gift (Part 3)**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwstories/comments/ikxsr0/what_was_i_thinking_accepting_my_pretty_managers/)**nsfw**?

I hope this is liked more than the last. I have three more I am working on and hope to be done soon.

The good thing about Unloading the truck all you need is muscle and you can tune out thinking… just not this time. All I can think is “I am the other Man” I just got Stacey to cheat with me” It did not matter she wanted to I Did F.U. yesterday.

I dragged my present skid out on to the sales floor to the Bike pad. As I get there My partner in crime was there. “Hey Willknotthe1st. Whats up? You look like someone kicked your puppy.”

I looked at Ray “Feels like it…and it was me who did it.” I lower the skid and unload the skid of packed bikes and pick up the Garbage and put it on the skid. “What did you do, Will?” “Not much, just slept with a woman in a relationship that isn’t with me.”

Categorized as Erotica

The Pretty Manager returns the gift Part two

After working an 8 hour shift at the store knowing that Stacey pantys were drenched by my tongue made for a very distracted day but I had no F.U.’s.

Every time she walked past I swear I could smell that wet pussy and as she passed she was swaying her hips more than normal. This sweet and innocent young woman was making my day hard and wonderful by doing nothing but walking around and chatting with all the cashiers. She never engaged me in any flirting or even conversation so I decided that she must have decided me and her on her desk that morning was a bad idea.

5 PM comes along and Amy walks me back with the one cashier who was also leaving. Got back to the cash office and no Stacey. Amy noticed my look and comment Stacey left about 30 minutes ago.

Oh well I can live with being just friends and headed out to my car and headed home. I get home and walk into the apartment building and get to my apartment and unlock the door and walk in.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Today I was caught by my Store manger on my knees with my hands up my pretty Manager’s skirt.

This story is based off an actual experience which I posted here [TIFU I was caught by my store manger with my hands up my pretty managers’s skirt.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/igiotz/tifu_by_being_caught_by_the_store_manager_with_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

What you are hopefully going to read is how I wished it went…tho three years later we did get together.

I was working for a sporting good store as the head cashier and I had a wonderful manager named Stacey. She was 2 years younger than me and had a fiance but we became good friends.

Stacey was a little naive so I took great joy in teasing her and on occasions causing her to give one of her famous full body blush (even arms, legs, breast, and back).

Most of the cashier were female and of the 4 head cashiers I was the only male so in the cash office the ladies thought of me as just one of the girls.

Our story takes place as I am counting cash trays for the cashiers and prepping the deposit for the armor truck and some how the talk was once again on our newest cashiers bad luck streak with dating.