Who doesn’t like a hot meal? Part Two Stacey is the main course and Kim is Dessert (MF)(MFFFF)(STR8)

Who doesn’t like a hot meal? Part Two Stacey is the main course and Kim is Dessert

I get down on my knees and lean forward to put my tongue out but first I say,

You are the star tonight, My very Pretty Manager, the Porn Star.

I lower my face and breath on her slit which get her shivering.

MMM!! all this flesh I need to kiss,

I start by lifting Stacey’s right leg and I start to slowly kiss my way down the top of her leg. I get to her knee I kiss it and Stacey gives a moaning giggle,

Will, you know my knees are ticklish.

I know and it also turn you on. Plus the giggle moan is so cute.

Who doesn’t like a hot meal? Part One (No Sex)(Upskirt)(Teasing)

Who doesn’t like a hot meal? Part One (No Sex)(Upskirt)(Teasing)

Why did I volunteer to work today. Three Karens and now the wicked witch of Dauphin county. Well at least her 2 minutes are up,

MOM!!! Shut up. My life not yours. Your life choices were some of the shittiest known to man. Now leave before I call the cops…Probably what Grandfather told you when you badgered him to find out that I am living with three women. You have no say on who I date, Who I have sex with, or Who I invite to my bed. You have less than any rights to comment on my romantic life considering your sex life when my age can be best described as Whoreish. Now leave.

I turn around to Chelle,

Chelle I am heading back, if she does not leave, call the cops.

Here Comes the Bride (Str8) (MF) (Mast)(Virgin)

# Here Comes the Bride

Here Comes the Bride

[I walk into my apartment with a load of groceries and Stacey and Kelley are both on the couch reading a bridal magazine.] “Did I proposed to you two in my sleep?” [Kelley looks up and smiles] “Maybe. Just kidding my little sister had these left over from when she was looking for her wedding dress and we got interested.”

[I head to the kitchen to put the groceries away and start dinner.] “Who wants Shepard pie? Or would you like some beef tips and buttered noodles?”

[Stacey is on the couch still looking at the bridal Magazine and Kelley is washing the dinner dishes. I am at my desk doing some remote work for a private client of mine] “Will, do you think this would look good on me?” [Stacey sits up and turns the magazine towards me] “You realize you just asked a man about fashion, or do I need to remind you of the Sandal/sock debacle?” [I turn to look at the mag and realize I can not say that I would worshiper her as a Satin clad goddess in this dress.] “Yes you would be a beautiful bride in that. With your black hair and that white dress.” [I need a cold shower right now.] “Will, I think I would look great in the dress two pics to the left” [said Kelley…oh crap I need to import a water fall flowing melted snow water on my…I now have two goddesses in satin to worship] “Yes your eyes would pop in that.” [God forgive me but I am changing my religion to the worship of Kelley and Stacey in White satin bridal gowns]

Let’s play hide and see (Les) (Exe)

# Lets play hide and see

“Will come back, come back. No don’t get on the plane come back I will try harder to love you. Stacey let go of me let go, he is leaving we need him”

“Kelley, Kelley wake up its a dream, just a dream” I called. Kelley’s eye open up with the fear of the dream and she looks back and rolls over and buries her face into my chest. Kelley just sobs letting her Dragon green eyes get redder from the prolonged crying.

“Hey its okay I will only be gone a month.” Yea but Mongolia is a long way off and you will not be near phone service much of the time so no calls like when you and Stacey help open a new store.”

I know but this job will give us the money we need to buy a proper house together instead of this apartment. I have never had so many cold shower but luckily you and Stacey keep me warm.” a low moan from behind me reminds me Stacey only just got back to sleep after being sick from the food poisoning. No more food from Won Dum Some for us.

A tale of Fire and Steel (Str8)

# A tale of Fire and Steel

?**nsfw**A tale of Fire and Steel


“The blades sang like the strokes of a hammer on a blacksmith’s anvil echoing in the empty churchyard.”
Stanley Goldyn,

Oh look the SAFD (Society of American Fight Directors) sent me a form letting me know I need to renew my certs…. Why now?

I look up from the form and realized I should have done this last year when I was on my grace year but that is now almost over. I better call Raymond he is probably running a refresher program.

“Hey Kelley, can you please bring my cell from table, your sister has turned into a kitten and won’t move.” “A little cream and I will move” said Stacey. It will be one of those nights.

I hate to do this but I Have a busy morning and three of us in the bed is not conducive to sleep.” “Well give me a kiss before you go. How about you Stacey are you staying tonight or heading back?” I should head home but I rather not considering I will be spending the next two weeks setting up a new store.

Daddy and his two little girls play dress up

Daddy and his two little girls play dress up

Before this story starts I want to explain that at the time of writing this I am almost finished with the story of the Hurricane knows as Kelley and our first meeting. I need to explain it was a story and I hope no one takes it seriously. None of these stories ever happened.
I know what happened in that story between Stacey and Kelley at best would be sexual assault and at worst rape. I do not condone these things. The character WillKnotthe1st has problems with the incident as you will read but Stacey forgiving nature and Will’s love of her makes him more forgiving than he should be.

Why is this not more strange than it is. I am sitting on this couch reaching out to Stacey, at my desk, with my foot stroking her leg as she finishes her report and at the same time Kelley has her head laying on my lap reading my copy of Hawkin’s “A brief history of time: From the big Bang to Black holes”

Hurricane Kelley

Old Sailor saying “Red sky in the morning Sailors take warning. Red sky at night Sailors delight”

I like to thank everyone for the kind words, feedback, and inspirations.


As an actor I have always lean towards to believing certain superstitions such as during a performance of Macbeth you call it “The Scottish Play”. I believe in ghost. I hope there are fairies. One superstition I never believed in was the old sailor saying about the sky….. till the day Kelley walked in.

It was a Tuesday which meant I was in early to help unload the truck but do to a malfunction truck the day before, we received two truck pack to the rafter with items for out First “Parking lot Sale.”
It seems that one of the items they were going to sell at the lot sale was physical fitness equipment…IE dumbbells. There was 12 skids full and each skid literally weighed a ton. The Tuesday crew killed it by finishing by 8:30.
I went to the bathroom and took a quick “sink shower” and put on my work uniform and headed to the cash office to prep for opening.

The Promise to the pretty Manger is full filled (5)

The Promise to the pretty Manger is full filled (5)

I knew she was there and awake. She was looking at me and I am sure smiling.

“Are you going to look at me or maybe give me a kiss but be warned I have carpet breath.”

She chuckles and kisses the tip of my nose and I open my eyes. I look at her and asked

“Been up long?”

“Long enough.”Long enough for what?”

I asked.

“You will see.”

I reach out and stroke her face and smile

“Yes I will see.”

She sat up and I can smell the bacon frying and I am hungry. I roll over sit up, and stand up and head for the main room following her.

“Do I have enough time for a cold shower before breakfast?”

I can see she is wearing one my t shirt with the oversized collar hole sliding down her should. It was very 80 chic.

“Nope you do not, you will have enough time to take a hot shower. I finished about an hour ago”

The Pretty Manger’s Corset Dive (Part 4)

The Pretty Manger’s Corset Dive (Part 4)

Well who is at my apartment at 5:35 pm Friday, Yep Stacey. She comes in and I have the table set with her favorite Chinese food including her favorite, Crab Rangoon.

I tell her to Go change into some casual clothing then it dinner time, then I need to introduce her to what is in my closet…the one in the bedroom with the lock.

Well she switched into a t shirt and some runner shorts and sits down and we just dig in taking time out to feed each other. Once done we walk back into the bedroom and Stacey sits on the bed and I unlock the closet and turn towards to her. This closet is my armory, It contains my weapons and armor I use to protect my self from the mundane world.

What was I thinking accepting My pretty Managers gift (Part 3)

What was I thinking accepting My pretty Managers gift (Part 3)

The good thing about Unloading the truck all you need is muscle and you can tune out thinking… just not this time. All I can think is “I am the other Man” I just got Stacey to cheated with me” It did not matter she wanted to I Did F.U. yesterday.

I dragged my present skid out on to the sales floor to the Bike pad. As I get there My partner in crime was there.

“Hey Willknotthe1st. Whats up? You look like someone kicked your puppy.”

I looked at Ray “Feels like it…and it was me who did it.” I lower the skid and unload the skid of packed bikes and pick up the Garbage and put it on the skid. “What did you do, Will?” Not much just slept with a woman in a relationship that isn’t with me.”

“Crap! Want to talk about it Will?” I just shake my head no. “I need to talk to her later to see what she wants to do. Maybe later I will need to talk.”