I’m Sweetening a Business Deal (2022)

On Monday, my husband left some folders at home by accident and as I don’t teach on Monday’s, I was able to take the folders to work.

I wasn’t going to get too dolled up but when I messaged his colleagues in a private group chat (the fellas from the gala who I gave blowjobs too) I was told “Dress up, we have a proposition. Be ready”

Naturally, I was very excited so I put on some black jeans, black stilettos a white work style shirt with my sleeves rolled up and I took a black velvet blazer.

I drove to the office building and went to my husbands office on floor number 35, his colleagues are on the 39th floor. I have the folders to my husband who barely said thanks and wasn’t interested in even giving me a cup of coffee for my troubles. I left pretty quickly but headed to floor 39.

I found one of the guys offices (the married one) pretty easily and I was so excited to see them as I hadn’t seen them since that night.