He Camus All Over Her [MF] [schoolgirl] [existentialism]

“Thank you for coming to see me.”

She sat with her hands in her lap, and tried hard not to smirk. Soon enough he’d be coming to see _her_.

“Thank you for having me,” she replied. Her voice was like a bird flying through an open blue sky. It was clear; it was light; it inspired dreams and longings. “I really want to do something about this grade.”

“That’s admirable of you,” he said. To her it seemed as if his voice, too, had passed through the thick lenses of his glasses. It seemed overblown, distorted, not-to-scale. “I would be glad to work with you to raise this grade.”

“Raise it. Yes.” Her voice had a hint of an edge to it as she continued: “I would _very_ much like to raise things with you this afternoon.”

“Splendid!” he said. “Your midterm isn’t till this Friday. You have plenty of time to get yourself reacquainted with the basics.”

“That’s right,” she said, and spread her legs apart. She’d worn a plaid blue skirt for the occasion. Her hand traced down her leg, towards her sheer white stockings. “I want to get a little bit more… _fundamental_ with you.”

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