DATE NIGHT [MF] [Cuckold]

I was sitting in the dark when my wife came downstairs. She was naked.

“Hey,” I said.

She jumped – startled, and then peered carefully into the family room where I sat, “You’re home early,” She said, before moving on into the kitchen.

She took a glass down from the cupboard, filled it with water from the faucet, and came in to sit down across from me. 

“How was your movie?” She asked, taking a drink.

“Lame,” I said, “How was your date?”

She shrugged, not saying anything.

“He’s still here,” I said.

“Sleeping,” she said.

“You wear him out?” I asked.

She didn’t say anything.

“He staying?” I asked.

“No, I don’t think so. He’s got his kids tomorrow – early, he said.”

I sat looking at her. 

She stood up, “Why are we sitting in the dark?” She said. She moved over and, leaning over me, turned the lamp on beside me. Her breasts swung forward and back pendulously. She smelled of sex – jizz and cunt, sweat and lube. She took my face in her hands, looked at me for a moment, and then bent and kissed me tenderly. Then she straightened and hugged my head to her abdomen. Her pubic hair tickled my chin.


We were naked, fresh from the shower. Clean, ready to get dirty … but the phone rang and my wife had answered.

My mother-in-law is old and in the early stages of dementia. She’s in a home now, which my wife feels bad about, but really it was unavoidable. It’s probably why my wife always answers the phone when her mother calls … the guilt.

I was sitting on the toilet. My wife was standing phone to her ear. I could tell the conversation had started to loop … revisit things they’d already discussed. I kept waiting for my wife to bring it to an end, but she wasn’t and I was getting impatient.

I took a butt plug from our basket of toys, lubed it well and offered it up to my wife.

She looked at the plug, then at me. Her expression didn’t change. She didn’t end her conversation or break into her mother’s monologue … she simply took the plug, squatted and pushed it up her butthole.


Years ago. Summertime. The weekend. My wife and I decided, last minute, to go see a movie matinee – one of those big blockbuster superhero movies at the megaplex.

We were running late. The parking lot at the theater was packed. I parked way at the far end of the lot which my wife wasn’t happy about, but that’s where there were open spaces.

We were hustling towards the theater entrance, or I was … my wife was sorta ambling. She was wearing one of those long maxi dresses that feels like a t-shirt, flip-flops, and sunglasses. She was high and had said she wanted popcorn, Twizzlers and a Diet Coke. 

Thinking about the line at concessions I was getting impatient. “Come on,” I urged. “We’re gonna miss the beginning.” 

My wife huffed in annoyance but did pick up her pace.

We were halfway there when she abruptly veered right, stepping between two parked cars. She hauled the hem of her dress up to her waist and squatted. She wasn’t wearing underwear.

Thinking she was about to take a piss I said, “You couldn’t wait until we were inside?” 


Many years ago my wife and I had a friend. I’ll call him “Mark.”

Mark’s marriage fell apart and he was over at our house a lot as his divorce was shaking out. He practically lived with us for several months. His wife had been a real bitch. My wife and I never liked her. Not surprisingly their divorce got ugly quickly and real expensive. So my wife and I had sympathy for Mark.

My wife is kind of a nudist. I’ve grown used to it over the years. She isn’t overt, she doesn’t flaunt herself, but she’s comfortable being naked – or mostly naked. At home in and around our yard, she’ll often wear just a robe or a sarong, or sometimes just a t-shirt or a tank top, but that’s it … besides flip-flops or Birkenstocks. No underwear, etc. She almost never wears a bra at home.

Making Up Is Hard To Do [MF, Anal]

We were naked on the bed in our bedroom. We lay there sticky and spent from epic make-up sex. We’d come together after six months separation. The sex had been carnal. Crazed. Sweaty. We’d been quiet for several minutes after. Just breathing.

Then my wife said, “I was with some guys while we were separated.”

I was quiet for a bit, absorbing that revelation, not totally surprised and somewhat relieved, then I said, “I was with G.”

She turned to look at me, “My friend?”

I turned to look at her. I said her friend’s full name.

She inhaled, blinking rapidly. Turned away from me and stared at the ceiling.

“Quantify ‘some guys’ for me.” I said.

After several long moments she cleared her throat and said, “Three.” She told me their names, prefacing one of them with “a guy named.” I knew the other two. Well.

I turned away from her and looked at the ceiling too. My heart was beating so hard it almost hurt.

After several more silent moments she turned on her side reached and placed her hand on my chest. “You okay?”