Rinse and Repeat [MF]

The vibrating hum of the engine goes quiet and the familiar chime of my Kia plays as I turn my car off. I look in the mirror and breathe in deeply through my nose.

“You got this.”

I exhale through my mouth, feeling my heartbeat pound inside my ribs. I open the door and calmly walk to your door, my car notifying me that it’s secure and locked through soft rings.

I see a text on my phone as I approach, “Doors open, cum inside ?”

Always straight to the point, one of my favorite things about her. I open the door and call out, “Sam?”

No response. My phone shivers in my hand again, checking the screen I see a photo from her, but the lock screen is hiding its contents. Before I can open it another text comes through, this one containing a message, “Care to join? The water’s fine ?”

I open the message app and see a full body image of her, every inch of smooth, wet and soft skin exposed from the neck down. I can feel my heart pound in my chest again, and suddenly I become aware of my decision to wear skinny jeans.