A Tale of No One – Chapter 3 [MF] [BDSM] [NSFW] [Romantic]

A Tale of No One – Chapter 3


Alix spent all of Wednesday wrangling with her emotions. At first the shame fed the depression and then the depression deadened everything, which made it easier to get dressed and go to work. The eyes of her co-workers were tough to feel on her, after all everyone had by now heard how she stayed late with the client, even if they didn’t know the rest. Whatever they assumed happened last night was probably worse than the truth. She had submitted to a stranger who in turn spanked her until orgasm, but this was somehow less humiliating than being a slut who slept with a brutish looking man because he was rich.

But just as the depression was enveiling her, she remembered Robert’s admission that he had come to long for his depression, and that it was like a warm blanket that wrapped him up and absolved him of responsibility. This pushed it away, like a admonished child. Whenever it fled, the excitement she felt the night before would make a brief appearance, like a photo flash, to remind her it was still there. But so too would the shame return along with the loathing of her own needs, now with a healthy dose of confusion. Something in her responded to giving up everything to him. The surrender, the pain, the punishment, it was as if giving that to someone else she no longer had to do it herself. I give you control. She thought.

A Tale of No One – Chapter 1 – [MF] [BDSM] [Romantic]

In all her twenty-nine years on earth, Alix had done very little to distinguish herself beyond the typical French woman. It is true she had managed to turn an art history degree from the university of Rennes into a creative director position at a New York ad agency, and also her brown eyes were almond shaped, almost, but not quite oriental, but beyond that she was not very different from your average young Parisienne or Toulousaine. Some might argue she was quintessential. After all she had every quality plus that special ‘je ne sais quoi’ required of every Gallic femme. Her height was average; her hair shorter than her American compatriots, less fussed with and somehow more perfect for the ignorance: Coquettish, natural, feminine without looking high-maintenance. Her legs were long and thin without being useless and her hips were feminine to the core. They were, as described drunkenly and in confidence by her male co-workers, childbearing. Her derriere was ample but well suited to her thighs. Above all, she had the most French of womanly features, something practically unique to the Frankish sex: Pert, tiny, high-pointed breasts. Just enough to satisfy a bra, but not so much that you needed undergarments in a sundress. Like all French women they would grow with the children but for now they were the breasts of youth. For now, they existed only for sensation.  

Looking for BDSM literary critique group

Sorry for the longish post.

My dilemma: I’m posting this under a nom de plume. My agent thinks I am writing books two and three in a series but I’ve stopped for now. Don’t bother guessing on me, I’m not famous. The pseudonym is more about making sure my agent doesn’t find out I’ve been writing BDSM erotica instead of what I’m supposed to.

I’m 20 pages in and I like where it is going. The characters feel strong but I could also be writing total and utter crap. I’d like to find a critique group here somewhere on reddit (especially since the 20 pages wrap up a nice arc in the story) that can say ‘you need to write more’ or ‘good God please stop’. Either would be helpful. I’ve looked at different subreddits (even posted this in r/literotica) but maybe I’m just missing it. Anybody know where?

Much appreciated.