One night at Pennsic [M] [Stranger]

The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a loosely medieval recreation group. One of the larger events attracts over 10,000 participants. There are many fun, wild stories and crazy parties that take place.

My own encampment is about 30 members from our local group. We are not known for any wild parties, although we have a handful that make the rounds of various parties. Me and a number of camp mates usually are sitting around the fire enjoying beverages. My wife does not participate to my dismay. Which makes sleeping in the tent a bit lonely most nights.

One night after saying goodnight, I made my way to my medieval tent. A say that to describe the door does not have a modern zipper but the canvas can be tied shut if you wished. Typically, I just leave it closed but not tied. Having consumed a fair amount I dozed off soon after.

My Sensual Power [Str8]

My Sensual Power (part 2)

I wanted to make this kiss one to remember. I could feel her breath against my lips. I pulled her to me and inhaled her scent. Her lips were soft and sweet. I could taste the pizza and beer. I could taste her fire and passion.

I felt myself becoming lost in that kiss. I could feel her hair in my hands and felt her leg slide on top of my own. Her hand was inside my shirt stroking my chest.

I ran my hands across her chest and could feel the heat from her breasts even through her shirt and bra. Her hands were in my hair and I could feel my arousal becoming more apparent as her legs scissor around my waist.

I slid my hands up Isabella’s shirt taking her breasts in my hands. She reached down between them and with an adept slip of her fingers released the bra. I found her neck as my hands found their way to her tits.

When I become extremely aroused I think in more vulgar terms.

Feedback wanted: My Sensual Power [Str8]

(Years ago, I wrote a story about a college student who discovers the erotic superpower I would want.

My intention was not to create a story for a quick wank but to build interesting characters and something different.

Re-reading it several years later I see many flaws and see the timeline gets a bit confusing. That aside, I would love feedback.

If you enjoy the story, what do you see things going next. The versions I created get a bit on the darkside, and I didn’t care for them.

Thanks. )

From an early age I had an unusual ability to focus and attention to detail. Not simply paying attention, but to truly focus on the details of a situation so passionately I lose myself.

When my grandmother was alive she would call it intensity gone-awry. My mother would call it a problem and take me to the doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. For me the greatest joy in life comes from the small details in any situation.

I try to enjoy every moment of life and relish getting so lost in the details of everything I encounter. This focus and attention to detail took a strange turn several months ago and has turned my world upside down as you will see.

My sensual power – looking for feedback

Years ago I wrote a story about a college student who discovered a pretty freaking cool ability.

I was hoping to create more than just quick story to wank to. I wanted to create interesting characters.

Re-reading after a several years I see how the timeline could be a bit confusing.

I would be interested in feedback and if you enjoy the story, thoughts on where you think the storing should go next. I did write a couple next scenarios but didn’t care for them.

[My Sensual Power](

No Apple ? for teacher [M] [panties] [true story]

I am an adjunct professor at a small college trying to teaching math to students who would rather be elsewhere.

No wild affairs here to report, but my perversion.

I was finishing up on Friday afternoon when I noticed a gym bag under the table where the attractive Tara was sitting 20 minutes prior. I assumed she would be back realizing it was missing. Not wanting to leave the bag over the weekend as the building is often used for outside purposes, I took it with me. My office was across campus, and I was ready to head home so the bag came with me.

It wasn’t until my car that the thought crossed my mind. I opened the bag and saw what looked to be workout clothes and empty water bottle earbuds and student ID. A more intent investigation revealed lime green panties that clearly had been worn. I lifted them to my nose and was rewarded. She smelled heavenly. Immediately I was hard. I have never been one to smell panties before, okay maybe one other time. This seemed so incredibly wrong I couldn’t help but becoming aroused.

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