[Commission] Heather: The Sequel

(A commission from u/Starwind_Amada. If you are interested in commissioning a story, please contact me via DM).

“You need to talk to him.”

Heather, who had been staring at the sizeable stack of PS5s in front of her for the past fifteen minutes, barely cast a glance in the direction of her annoyed friend. Dressed in a blue polo and tan pants, the most noticeable (and newest) piece of her new attire was the nametag that read ‘Manager’.


Between her thumb and index finger, Heather fiddled absent-mindedly with a pencil; the tip had obviously been chewed to hell. A filthy habit from her younger years, it helped relax the young woman, whose new position was more stressful than she had anticipated.

“Gavin!” Emilie growled, in frustration. Amused, Heather raised an eyebrow, which motioned for the cashier to elaborate. “He is just so… so fucking incompetent! And stubborn, prideful… Just a son-of-a-bitch who couldn’t learn proper inventory skills if it hit him in the dick! God knows how he was promoted to manager in the first place!”

By the end of her tirade, Emilie was practically huffing with rage. This was not helped in the slightest by Heather’s snorts, that had quickly dissolved into giggles.

Opening (short) writing commisions for low prices

Hello! I have plenty of experience in writing, albeit this is the first time that I have opened myself to commissioned work.

Therefore, I will start relatively small at 1-2k pieces at $3.50-5.50, respectively. If this proves to be successful, I will become more open to longer commissions (for higher prices, of course).

For previous writing works, please see my profile on AO3, TotalAwesomeness. My latest work was posted on this subreddit.

**Commission Info**

Commissions can be either original works or fanfictions (i.e. based on existing works). If I am unfamiliar with material, I will do research, to the best of my ability. In terms of the former, I will require as much info as possible as to what you would like.

Things I will NOT write, non-negotiable:
• M/M (i.e. Slash)
• Pegging
• Guro
• Futa

For more info, please contact me via DM.

[MF] [Str8] [Inc] [F/D] Stranded: Part 2

Part 2

It was funny how hours stretched into days, before they stretched into weeks. And then, a month – no, two months – had passed. For the father-daughter duo who found themselves stranded on the island, time had lost meaning, especially as rescue had not come. For Jason, hope of rescue had died a while ago. Even Kelly, who had been insistent that somebody had to be coming, was no longer looking up at the sky or towards the horizon for rescue. To Jason and Kelly Jameson, rescue was a whimsical fantasy.

At the very least, they were not wanting of resources. In a sea of shitty luck, the father-daughter duo had found the broken segments of the plane that brought them to the island. Horrified by the sight of wreckage and corpses, salvation came in the form of what the plane carried; bottled water, plenty of clothing for all climates, long-lasting food items, and equipment that would prove essential to their survival. The father-daughter duo had almost cried with bitter relief, especially since they had found shelter but a few days ago, as well as fruit and a source of clean water. Overall, things could have been a lot worse.

[MF] [Str8] [Inc] [F/D] Stranded: Part 1

Hello there! This is the first draft of my first ever original erotic story. Hope you enjoy it, and I would appreciate some constructive criticism :)

*”Guh! This is why we don’t talk anymore–!”*

*”Can’t you see that I’m TRYING–!”*

*”I’m still the same–!”*

*”I know, but–!”*

The voices in his head seemed so far away, yet they tugged at his consciousness. A part of him, blissful in the darkness and unknown, ignored the tugging. But alas, Jason could feel himself slowly gain consciousness, accompanied by an assault of sensations.

Beneath his fingers, which flexed and gripped, coarseness registered in his mind.

*Sand*, he thought to himself.

Then, the crashing sounds of waves were heard, as well as the feel of their sloshing impacts; gentle and surprisingly warm against his legs.

*Beach?* His mind had deduced, still trying to piece things together.

Gingerly, Jason opened his eyes, only to be caught off-guard by the harsh rays of sunlight directly above him.

*On a beach, on my back…*

As if in control of another’s body, Jason checked himself. Besides the general aches, he seemed to be fine. He breathed a sigh of relief, as he squinted up towards the clear skies.