Emma lives in a world where women belong to men PART 2 [MF] [exh] [Mdom] [preg] [creampie]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/hu6os1/emma_lives_in_a_world_where_women_belong_to_men/)

Emma had spent the week at her parent’s house after the ceremony. Her parents had been usually more busy with each other than ever. Her mother kept asking her if she was feeling anything different. Her father kept giving Emma tips on how to be a better wife and a better toy for her husband Lucas. She had felt an enormous relief by staying away from Lucas. She found herself dreading the next time she would meet him. They had exchanged numbers after the party but he hadn’t messaged her since then. She wondered if he had grown tired of her or maybe he was having second thoughts about her? She wondered what would happen to her. It was looked down upon to be divorced by your own husband. It was rare for divorced women to find love again and to be fair Emma knew there wasn’t anyone in her life who she was interested with. But she knew that being divorced was worse than being a free woman. She knew that her life depended on her performance and his happiness.

Emma lives in a world where women belong to men [MF] [exh] [Mdom] [preg] [creampie]

Emma knew that once she turned 20 she had to either be legally labeled as a free woman or be married to a man chosen by her parents. Her parents always told her that she would turn out to be a wonderful bride. She thought she was ready to accept her parent’s choice. However, she never expected for her suitor to come looking for her. Her mother, gave her the wonderful news a week ago. They had found the perfect man for her. Turns out it was the son of the family her parents worked for. Emma never met him personally. She only saw him at a work office party that her parents had been invited to a couple of years back. Emma couldn’t help but wonder if he had been eyeing her since then.

Her parents told her that her future husband had told them that he wanted their daughter to be the one to bear his children. Emma’s mother told her that she was excited that her daughter would serve the son of the family they worked for. Emma felt like she was being used like cattle. She always longed to be a free woman but knew her parents wouldn’t legally allow her to.