Maatis stood on the viewing platform, looking at his feet or the gilded edge of the stage; anywhere but the women standing before him. With a little bit of courage, he peeked at their beautiful feet or their shapely legs. Maatis knew better than to be hopeful of the women passing by, picking their men—hopeful that the rest of them was the same. The scent of sex in the lounges reached him, and he was getting hard.
Though the viewing room cleared out, Maatis was not surprised; he was a man that was too coy for most women, and it didn’t help that his sign, and the madame, described him as bisexual either. It wasn’t a lie, but it is what it is, and only a few women who brought their along their own men-loving-men desired him.
Madam Oria clapped her hand to gain the looked-over men’s attention. “That is all, gentlemen. You have leisure to work the stage or the lounges.”
Maatis stepped off the platform and headed to the bar. “Hey, what’s up. Give me the usual.”
The bartender handed him his drink, and said, “So, no luck tonight?”