That Time in the Park [MF] [Public]

This is my first piece, any feedback would be welcome.


“I really want it” she said, her hand rubbing my stiff cock through my jean shorts.

I locked lips with her, and our tongues squirmed in each other’s mouths. She rubbed me faster, causing me to moan into her mouth. I looked down into her beautiful brown eyes and watched her bite her pink plump lips and made the decision.

“Then let’s do it.” I replied.

Her eyes shifted to scan our surroundings, “Should we really?”

I looked out at the Caribbean Sea before us. The park’s amphitheater was positioned so that it was
secluded from the rest of the park, making it an excellent make out spot. The only exposed part was towards the sea. It was common for multiple dive boats to be anchored off the coast in view but today, in a stroke of luck, there were none. I listened for activity behind us, the usual cacophony of children’s
cries at the playground in the front of the park were muted.

“There isn’t a lot of activity going on, I think we could risk it.” I said.