Shots at the bar

Tracy sighed as she stared out of the window. The boredom of the past few days had been unrelenting. She stared out at the drizzle, watching as it slowly turn the world around her a dull grey.

She crossed the floor of her bedroom, stopping in front of the mirrors on her wardrobe, and eyed herself critically. She wore a faded cotton vest and a pair of ill-fitting shorts which hung unflatteringly and hid the curves of her body.

“Very sexy.” she thought sarcastically.

A buzzing from her bedside table made her turn and she saw her phone’s screen flash to announce a text message. Before she was able to pick the phone up, it buzzed three more times. Scanning the screen she saw messages from a group chat. Her friend Sara had broken up with her boyfriend Dave. Again.

Tracy sighed at this news. Sara and Dave were more off and on than the light switches in a home for OCD sufferers. But still, the news gave her the excuse to tidy herself up and get ready for a night out as Sara had pretty much demanded that they do so.

The Boy Next Door pt 3

Lisa’s lips softly pressed against Danielle’s and she returned the kiss, too shocked to do anything else. Their hands fumbled against clasps and zippers, clothing cast aside with little care, all other considerations forgotten in favour of the need to be naked together.

Lisa’s fingers explored between Danielle’s legs, finding her already wet slit and she rubbed her thumb in circles over her clit. Danielle began kissing and sucking at Lisa’s neck, leaving red marks across her pale skin as her sucking became more forceful as Lisa’s fingers began to slide deep into her.

The pair fell backward onto the sofa, Danielle landing with her legs apart. Seeing her exposed this way, Danielle’s head dove between her legs, her tongue hungry to taste Danielle’s sweetness. Danielle gasped in delight, enjoying the girls soft skin against her own as her tongue curved around the lips of her pussy.

The two women were so engrossed in each other that they had not noticed James had arrived at the patio door. The large glass door provided him the perfect view of the pair as they continued their enjoyment of each other. He could hear Danielle moaning the word yes over and over and he watched as Lisa’s tongue and fingers darted back and forth.

Categorized as sexystories

The Boy next door pt 2

The hot water poured from the shower head and splashed over Danielle’s skin. The heat felt glorious to her as she ran soapy hands over her body, before other hands began to caress her. She smiled and turned to face her young lover, placing her arms around his neck as she kissed him.

James’s large hands moved down her body before sliding under her bottom and lifted her up allowing his hard, young cock easy access to her waiting pussy. Danielle rested her back against the wall and wrapped her legs around James’s hips, a look of ecstasy on her face as she felt him go deeply into her.

This had been the norm for the both of them for several weeks, ever since their first time together in Danielle’s garden. That had lead to a night of passion for them and although Danielle herself was not the most experienced when it came to sex, her young lover was eager to learn how to please her and she willingly reciprocated.

There wasn’t a room in Danielle’s home that had not seen the two engage in some form of sexual act, from her giving him a blowjob in the living room to him bending her over the kitchen island and pinning her down while fucking her.

The Boy Next Door.

And just like that, twenty-two years of her life was consigned to the bin. Danielle forced herself to hold back the tears as the dour-faced solicitor pointed out where she needed to sign the forms. She still couldn’t believe her idyllic life has come crashing down around her.

She had met her now ex-husband Steve at a freshers event when they were both 18 and starting university. Following that meeting, they had begun dating and a few months later, she had given him her virginity. She had been shy at first but Steve had been caring and considerate, always eager to move forward but never pushy.

Marriage had followed once university was done. Both had received good qualifications and were able to secure well-paid jobs that in turn allowed them to buy their ideal home. But as the years had gone by, Steve had grown more distant from her, working longer hours, picking arguments over the most trivial of things.

Then one day he had announced that he’d been having an affair. Danielle was devastated by this bombshell. Tears and recriminations followed until Steve had left her, sobbing and feeling more lost and alone than she had ever felt in her life.