The Heat Is On [MF]

Maybe the help with your heat was a guise. Maybe it wasn’t, it was just being helpful. Whatever it was I was hoping I could help you out in a tough time at the least, hoping for more at best…

The fix for your heat was an easy one, and I gladly accepted a beer. It went down rather quickly as we had cranked up the heat to test it. Maybe that was the cause for the tension, maybe it was our history; we were good with each other. Not necessarily good for each other, or good to each other, but together, we were good! The next beer went down as good as the first and when the discussion turned to weed and a small pipe I had given you, it wasn’t a huge step to partake in that as well. We both take small hits because I had to drive in a while and you, well let’s just say it can hit you harder than me. Properly buzzed, our conversation flowed. Our inhibitions were ebbing slightly, although the tension of “we need to stop seeing each other” was still in the air. Soon silly giggling is filling the room as it tends to do when one is high. Your eyes, which have always captivated me, started to look even more enticing as your eyelids drooped ever so slightly. I looked at the clock and knew I should go. I said I need to get going, and stood up and went to place my empties by the sink. Something flipped.