Ambushed and deflowered by my best friends [FFF]

I’ll start by telling a little bit about myself. My name is Anna, I’m 19 years old and just finished my first year of college. I still live with my parents because it’s cheaper than living on my own, their house is relatively close to my college and I frankly enjoy the comfort of not having to worry about stuff like bills, cooking and laundry. In highschool I used to play soccer, but when I went to college I stopped because half the team stopped and I didn’t want to start in a new team. I tried to substitute this loss of activity by going to the gym, but as we all know it can sometimes be hard to drag yourself to the gym so my goal of three times a week has not been met as much as I wanted for the past year. Luckily the ‘freshman ten’ doesn’t apply to me so my athletic build hasn’t yet left me. Before this story took place I was still a virgin: I’d kissed with some guys and some girls, but no one but me had even touched my nether region, or vice versa. I don’t have a conclusive sexual orientation. Before college I’d considered myself mostly straight. I had the classic short-lived high school boyfriends with whom I never did more than kiss. But in college I also drunkenly kissed with a few girls and surprisingly enjoyed it just as much. So at the least I’ll describe myself as bi-curious, who cares anyway nowadays?

Ambiguous [First time][Crossdress][Gay]

This is quite long as these are the first few paragraphs of a possible novel, hopefully it is worth the read!

**Paragraph 1:**
The referee blew his whistle to signal that the game was over. Our team gathered in the locker room for a quick evaluation before heading into the showers. As the water hit my sweaty blonde curls I took a look at my teammates. Out of all of them I was definitely the smallest with my 5’6” but that didn’t bother me, at least not within my team because as a midfielder I was the free kick and corner specialist so I didn’t need length. At school however I’d always been the target of bullying because of my appearance, Not only because of my length but also because of my skinny-fat body in which most of my fat accumulated into small man boobs while still being skinny enough to see my ribs. Luckily I had my soccer friends to make my life a bit less miserable. All they did was call me Jackie instead of Jack, but because they did it in jest it was no big deal. The primary reason for all of these friends was Louis.

Ambiguous [MM][Crossdressing][Teasing]

Hello Everyone, this is a paragraph from my possible first novel and I was wondering if you guys like it and think I should keep going.

Paragraph 3

Solid party:

I wasn’t feeling in my place at all: The short dress was already riding up my leg, the heels felt wobbly and some guys kept staring at me. Were they onto me? Everyone is going to think I’m a fag. Louis said I looked pretty and I actually believed the jerk, this plan is a disaster. Maybe I’ll have fun if i get wasted. At the very least I won’t remember this humiliating night.

All of a sudden a girl tapped my shoulder. I turned around towards her and noticed it was Katie, the hostess. She already had her hand extended towards me, so I took the invitation to shake her hand.

“I’m Katie” She said it with a friendly smile.

“I’m Jaeniffer, Jennifer hehe” My nervous mumbling made her smile transform into a laugh.

“You’re Louis’ girl right? You don’t really seem to enjoy yourself, is anything wrong?” Her question seemed genuine, so I tried to stick as close to the truth as possible.

Lightning struck at the gy[MM][First time][Gay]

First off, English isn’t my first language so if any sentencing or phrasing is weird please point it out so I can improve the story and my writing skills.

As is tradition let’s start with a little backstory about me. I’m a 22 years old guy named David, 5’11 and around 160 lbs. My whole life I’ve been mostly straight: For a dare I once kissed with a guy, occasionally use a small vibrator on my ass and I sometimes masturbate to gay- and trans porn. For the last half year I’ve been going to the gym about 3 / 4 days a week. The results have come nice as I’ve lost my prosperity belly and gained some nice muscle in my arms and back leading to some compliments from my surroundings. The gym is coincidentally where this story begins.

There’s this guy that goes to the gym at around the same days and time as me. He’s about 6’3 and probably close to a lean 200 lbs. his lifts are as impressive as his physique an because of his blonde hair I’d affectionally nicknamed him Thor. Thor and I never really interacted during our workouts beside the usual head nods and asking how many sets we’ve got left.