The Slave Girl: Chapter 4 [BDSM] [mf] [slave] [noncon]

Chapter 4

Before my slave could answer, a man who I assumed was the piercer walked into the room. He greeted Chital and I warmly and looked down at a clipboard. 

“Okay, so according to my notes, we’re piercing her septum, tongue, nipples, and clitoris today, correct?” 

“Yes, though I requested 4 piercings in each of her labia majora as well”. The piercer consulted his clipboard again. 

“Ah. So you did. At any rate, first I’m going to mark all of the piercing sites with a pen and let you take a look so you can make sure you’re satisfied with the placement. I’ll make any necessary adjustments, and then we’ll do the piercings themselves”. I nodded, and glanced over at Chital. I found myself imagining what she’d look like in a few short minutes, bedecked with the various rings that would adorn her body for as long as I owned her. The piercer continued: “According to my notes, your slave’s training is sufficient enough that there is no real need to restrain her. Piercings in general are quick and painless, anyway, though her nipples and clitoris will probably be the exception.” 

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The Slave Girl: Chapter 3 [mf] [BDSM] [slave] [noncon]

While I was waiting for the attendant to return with the paperwork, I studied my new slave. Whatever name I chose would likely influence how she saw herself and how I saw her. I worried about giving her a name that a freeperson might have, lest it confuse her, but I wasn’t sure I wanted her to have a traditional slave name either. Slaves tended to be called things like “Fuckholes” and “Cockwarmer”. While such names would certainly remind her of her place, they were a bit tasteless in my opinion. A slave needn’t be named something so garish to drive home their purpose. I kept stroking her, and she turned to look at me with the same intense stare that had initially brought her to my attention- like a deer in headlights, I thought. Maybe something like Doe would be suitable. As I gazed at her wide eyes and freckled body, inspiration struck. I would name my slave Chital, after a type of spotted deer I had seen on a summer trip to India in my college days. She had turned away again. I tugged on the hair I’d been stroking to get her attention.

The Slave Girl: Chapter 2 [mf] [BDSM] [slave] [noncon]

After about five minutes, a woman came in. She was older, likely in her 50s or 60s, but she had a no-nonsense air about her that even I found slightly intimidating. She had handcuffs, a gag, and a riding crop attached to her belt, and behind me I heard the slaves scuttle to the back of their kennels, clearly frightened. I gestured to the girl in the corner kennel, who was now pressed against the back wall of her kennel, curled into herself.

“That one has caught my attention, but as I’m sure you know, she’s a bit… different. What’s her story?”

“Oh I’m aware. She came to us in a very typical way. Got herself into some debt she couldn’t get out of, didn’t have enough assets to cover it when the bank came after her, so they took her instead. She’s what we call a natural. Once in a blue moon, we’ll get a girl in like her. Like all new slaves, they’re scared at first, and maybe they’ll put up a token fight, but it’s in their personality to want to please. It’s useful for us- saves time and resources. They don’t really need to be broken if they are eager to obey in the first place, you see?”

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The Slave Girl: Chapter 1 [mf] [BDSM] [slave] [noncon]

I couldn’t believe I was doing this. Slavery had been legalized in my senior year of college, and ever since I had dreamed of the day I could finally buy my own slave-girl. After eight years of living well below my means, I had nearly paid off my college debt, purchased a modest home in a small city, and slowly amassed the exorbitant amount of money that was now stuffed in my wallet as I stepped into the nondescript warehouse building that housed the slave market. Slavers didn’t exactly take credit cards.

Once inside, I was surprised to find a rather sterile-looking lobby, not unlike a doctor’s office. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected- torches on the walls and the clatter of chains? A young woman sat behind a desk, her brow furrowed in concentration and her computer keyboard clacking away. I cleared my throat. She glanced up at me.

“Can I help you?”

I suddenly found myself nervous. I was silent for a moment before replying. “Yes, I was hoping to take a look at your available female slaves”.

“Ah. Just go through the door on the left and then the first door on your right. Good luck!”

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