Looking for a teacher-student story that was posted sometime in 2019-20

It was titled ‘Unsatiated’ , the author’s username had something to do with ravioli, and they had posted the story in 8-9 parts.
The story revolves around a high school senior and her math professor. There are certain sub-dom themes in the story, and iirc she lost her virginity to him in a car right outside her strict christian home, after which she cried because she was overwhelmed and was falling in love with him. He couldn’t commit to her fully because his wife was pregnant…I think.
At the risk of sounding like a fool, I’ve tried to find this story for a long long time, but have never been successful. I am guessing the author deleted their profile. If you guys have this story stashed away someplace, do let me know! Thanks

And I am sorry if this is the wrong subreddit to ask