This was my lil masturbation tale of the day that I wrote for my lover………;)

I visualize you and I gallivanting in a semi crowded area.. maybe a music show.. maybe an gallery, maybe a market somewhere in east asia hehe. I’d be wearing a cute dress that makes me butt look bubbly because yes.. no underwear cause my little peach prefers air. You with forsure some essy access pants… and we’d be standing in a crowed amongst others whos attention would mostly be fixed on something else. I see myself standing next to you holding your hand as I slowly guide your hand under my dress so can feel how my lips are already throbbing. After a quick hello I happen to have coconut oil in my fanny and I dab my fingers. I proceed to slowly stroke you while we attempt to pay attention to the exterior world and fail miserably. I take a pause to bring down the heat and you then stand me in front of you while you discreetly start to feel and see the cum that’s dripping down my thighs. We go for 4 minutes unseen by the masses as you stoke your fingers slowly in and out of me.. we spot another couple who know what were up to…. pt 2 to be continued ;)