A teenager’s first ever orgasm (REAL)

***N.B. This isn’t fiction, this is my real diary entry and I’m not a writer so please be kind with your comments! See bottom of post for more info*** **??**

Umm… so I just had my first ever orgasm! ?And it was every bit as amazing as they say it is. 

Basically, Daisy and I were watching TV in her room (we’re not allowed to watch it this late but Mum and Dad went to bed really early so we snuck downstairs and switched it on). Geordie Shore was on – I don’t really watch it usually but I’ve seen bits and I know who everyone is on it. Anyway, it was all the usual stuff, like drinking and arguing etc. and then these two characters on it started kissing in the house and it was a really long, passionate kiss. I often feel a bit of a stir ‘down there’ when I see kissing on TV, but this was really strong – I could feel myself almost throbbing as they kissed and moved their hands all over each other. Daisy was obviously freaking out because she’s 11 and thinks it’s all disgusting, so I was pretending not to be interested while also trying to shut her up because I obviously was actually SUPER interested ?and wanted to see what happened.

Categorized as Erotica