Unconventional Desires [Excerpt] [BDSM Romance, D/s, M/f]

I think I need to attend yoga classes to improve my posture! I felt very self conscious and very exposed performing those positions and as a consequence I think they may not have been up to par in his mind and in truth my own.

I do not know how he felt about this part of the session, though I am sure he would not have held back in criticising if he were unhappy, nevertheless he did say that my legs were not open wide enough. In my defence I have a lifetime of modesty and inexperience to fight against, but I hope that in time I will be able to perform in the manner he expects of me.

Acceptance of pain was another topic that he had listed on his training schema. This “acceptance” took place on the bedroom floor. I remember kneeling on the bedroom floor, no clothes, not even a pair of knickers and he approached me with a bag containing plastic pegs. He put the bag down on the bedside chest and took out a few of them.

What women like me want – blog post.

Some desires are thoughts that are fleeting, often idle musings of no consequence, gone completely almost in the moment of their conception. Others though are true desires and some are distressing, obsessively hidden from others but impossible to hide from one’s self. Particularly when those desires are sexually motivated and unconventional in their nature. They have a way of being obsessively pursued, driven by the compulsion to have them satiated.

Unconventional Desires is the diary of Victoria, whom has two sides to her character. Her public persona is that of an ordinary girl, a biology graduate with an ordinary job. The other side to her persona is a character which is deeply buried in a desire that she considers dark and obfuscates it from her friends, family and most of all from herself. She fears this darkness that lives deep inside her mind, she does not understand it and cannot accept its nature. So she represses it out of fear, fear of losing herself to it and the fear of being rejected by those she knows and loves if they ever saw it.

Categorized as Erotica