Her new Career



## It started as a normal evening at Luigi’s restaurant where Anna worked to try and make ends meet. Business was bad and she thought she would have to give up her studies.

## The restaurant was very quiet, again, and she was not making nearly enough in tips. Also, her course was costing her more than she expected what with books, equipment etc. that she had to buy. She tried her best to be pleasant to all the customers, but there were just too few of them for her to earn as much as she needed. As she wiped the cleared tables, just one customer remained – a business man in his mid thirties who had arrived late. She did not mind, as people like him usually tipped well, so she made sure she was especially attentive to him, which was easy, as she found him quite attractive.

A Stranger Thing at the Pool

OK so I saw the recent youtube trailer for Stranger Things, season 3, and was inspired! Haven’t seen it? Google **“Stranger Things Season 3 pool clip”** So it got me thinking….what if Mrs. Wheeler got Blackmailed? Anyway, here is my take on it, enjoy!


OK so I saw the recent youtube trailer for Stranger Things, season 3, and was inspired! Haven’t seen it? Google **“Stranger Things Season 3 pool clip”** So it got me thinking….what if Mrs. Wheeler got Blackmailed? Anyway, here is my take on it, enjoy!

Billy Hargrove checked his hair in the mirror one last time, and smiled. He was feeling quite smug. He had already noticed that Mrs. Wheeler was again coming to the pool, after having rebuffed his advances. He thought the offer of Motel-6 was a good one, but Karen Wheeler had balked like a scared child. Now, obviously pressured to return by her friends, the only difference was that she was hiding behind large sunglasses, and looking always away. The friends were acting the same as always, so it was obvious that she had never told them….*perfect.*