The Married Couple [F][M]

Wanda and Hector were happily married. However, the once *frequent* and *passionate* banging sessions, on this or that randomly selected piece of furniture around the house, had slowly become *passionate* banging sessions on random places around the house, and inexorably evolved into sex in bed *some* Saturday nights.

This Saturday evening was a routinely cliche one. The room was dimly illuminated by a lamp over the night-table next to the bed and the glare of a flatscreen against the wall. They both sat on bed, wearing their matching silky cream pajamas, resting on overly stuffed pillows and tugged by the waist under an almost equally stuffed comforter.

She read a couple’s counseling book, one-handedly, with her half-moon glasses on. While he watched some Netflix’s original series, with the tv remote lazily resting on his right hand over the bed.

As with most couples, ten years of marriage had slowly ground what little privacy they had when they were single. In fact, there was little, if anything, to hide to the other and they were very open as to what they did in plain sight of the other.