Park and Ride.

The scent of freshly brewed coffee fills the air.
The low hum of an engine.
The morning sun casting prisms through the glass.

Or maybe it’s your eyes.
Gazing into mine with wonder and hunger.
Slowly stroking my hand as you grasp it tightly in yours.

The space between us closing quickly, as you pull me into your arms. Strong. Gentle. Excited. Safe.
The soft, plump, curves of your lips enveloping mine.
I’m drowning in your kiss with your tongue as my life line.

Your hand running up my back, shoulders, grasping my neck. My hair entangled in your fingers. Hungrily, you devour me again. Straddling your hips, my thighs gripping you tightly.

My hands hunting for a opening, sneaking under your shirt, feverish, need driven to feel you. Your skin. Your powerful chest pounding under my touch.
Drawn to your heat.

Finally Yours

Shadows flickering across darkened walls as scattered candles burn, an essence of lotus dispersing through the air.

A content sigh, a slow decent of my eyes lids, a light graze of your fingertips to mine. Interlaced appendages spark excitement in temperate skin, passion ignites like lightning strikes with every touch.

A trail of searing flesh left in the wake of your touch, gently up my arm, and a pull of my wait. A soft kiss to my temple, forehead…Your tongue licking gently against my lips. They part and I catch your bottom lip in my teeth…
My hands slip under your shirt, grabbing hold and pulling you even closer. Melting into your arms and falling into a eager, lust filled kiss, tongues entwined, beginning a dance of intrigue and adventure.

The heat building under your skin as my hands explore your perfection, unfamiliar familiarity. Pulling your shirt off, the sight of your naked flesh magnetic, a playful nibble on your chest followed by a trail of gentle kisses then another mischievous nip.


Caught in the wispy flames of the fire place, standing alone in nothing but a blanket. Heat radiates against my cold skin.

The blanket slips down my body with help, falling silently to the floor. I turn, standing naked and fully vulnerable in front of you, your eyes taking me in like a hungry lion about to pounce on his prey.

Your fingers graze my belly. Your hands softly rubbing my hips. Your hands gently but with purpose exploring the dips and curves of my body as I stand before you. Your hands grab ahold of my ass and pull me into you. One hand around my waist and one pulling my head back and you descend upon me, your tongue slipping between my lips and entangling with mine. Your kiss is deep, passionate, your arms around me are consuming.

You push the hair out of my face and lighting strikes when our eyes meet. The grip around the back of my neck tightens and you kiss me again, this time violently. Your tongue is suffocating and your teeth sharp embedded into my bottom lip. I’m melting into you, heavy breathing.

Categorized as Erotica

Shower Thoughts

The foggy mirror in the steamy bathroom. I step in slowly behind you and slides my hands across your hips and around your waist and down your thighs. My lips target the center of your back with a strategically laid trail of kisses slowly making their way down to the curve of your ass. I’m down on my knees. The warm water shimmering across your skin is irresistible. Everything about you seeps into my blood and makes it boil. I need to feel you against me.

You slowly turn to me as the lip stained trail makes it’s way across your hip bone, ending above the prize.
My finger tips running up your inner thighs and lightly teasing your balls with a light touch. Dragging my tongue down your body and across the length of your cock. One hands reaches between your legs and my nails squeeze into your ass cheek as my lips part wide and envelope the head of your hard cock, excitedly exploring it with my tongue before pushing your ass toward my face and forcing the entirety of you into my throat. You moan, and the sound creates instant havoc between my legs.

Categorized as Erotica

Dinner is Served

A gluttonous array of fare laid out before you, you’ve been waiting and are ready to eat, but in a curious turn of events all of the other guests just faded away. You sit there, alone. A hunger growls from a carnal place inside you, far more prevalent then the one in your stomach, an ache deep inside your bones, and you know why the guests aren’t there. You, and the growing pressure against the front of your pants, excitedly peer around the room. The tingle in your skin, electric coursing through your nerves.

“Are we back in your head, my dear?” you ask, the hunger and excitement throbbing throughout your body.
Straining against the deafening silence in the large dining room for the desire fueled need for you, that you love about my voice.

“Nice place,” I whisper into your ear, followed by a lingering kiss on the delicate flesh just below it, on your neck. Goosebumps creep over you as my arms slip around your neck, then chest, slowly unbuttoning your shirt along the way. I pull it back over your shoulders and let it slip away, a slow reveal of your naked back. Warm, dewy lips trailing kisses down your neck and across your shoulders. Ravenous hands run over your arms and chest, and you can feel my need for you stinging your flesh through my finger tips. “You know this is my favorite part, when you join me in these fantasies, and I can have you whenever and wherever I please.”

In the woods

Embers crackle on the hearth as untempered heat radiates from a dulling flame, as bare souls lay horizontally upon a king size bed.

Content eyes gaze through the large picture window of the small cabin tucked into the woods, contemplating fantastical things, memories, and dreams as they watch the snow fall steadily onto their private fishbowl. Oblivious to anything outside this scene.

Tangled fingers, receptively memorizing dimples in skin. Tracing creases, exploring hidden freckles. Knotted legs twisting together in a game of friction, generating spark.
Teeth carefully grazing delicate fleshy, intoxicated senses drowning in the delicious essence of sweat, passion, and applewood.

My head on your chest being lulled out of reality by the rise and fall on your heart against my cheek. The snow falls steadily, disappearing as it lands on the glass, a moment in time beautiful, unique, and never to exist in this capacity again. Bittersweet moments of magic much like us.

Early Morning

… And in the darkness, the silence, only interrupted by the sound of your breathing. The innocence and peacefulness upon your face as your chest rises and falls. Conflict growing within my stomach, I don’t want to disturb you, I’m lost in just letting you, be, watching you exist, but longing to feel my fingers against your skin.

I see you smile slightly, a soft contented sigh escapes between your lips. Goosebumps creep over me, the urge to touch you becomes overhwelming, I know you’re dreaming of me and I’m tired of those dreams, today you’re a reality and I’m making those dreams come true.

I slip closer to you and press my lips gently against your ribs. Soft kisses and hungry licks trailing down your side, your hip, your thigh… My hand sliding up your inner thigh and between your legs. You’re already hard, you’re definitely dreaming of all those naughty things we did and the thought of you wanting me creates an instant pool of wet, creamy lava between my legs. A hunger in my belly that can only be satisfied by one thing.

Categorized as Erotica