A Rainy Day in Pacific North West [MF]

Hey all,

I used to write a lot of sexy stories back in the day but things went side ways when life came in the way. A friend of mine if I’d consider writing again and gave me prompt. So…um..here’s to you friend, hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.


It was a cold, chilly and particularly rainy evening in the Pacific North West when Erica, a young 28-year-old vivacious businesswoman was driving home from a meeting. She was extremely elated from closing a deal that she was working on for a while. Why wouldn’t she be? She poured her heart and soul into working this deal for her start-up. This company was all she dedicated her days and nights to – so much so she didn’t date, no sex, nor did she even have time for it.

Along her drive on this rainy evening, her car breaks down and there are no bars on her phone so she can’t even reach AAA to get her car towed. With the weather being bad, there weren’t any cars on the road she could flag down for help either. Erica being the woman she was, decided to walk up to the farmhouse she saw up by the highway about a mile away.