My step-daughter is teasing me

I feel a little bit guilty about this but I’m confused about my step-daughter’s behavior, since I married her mother we’ve always been very close, sadly my wife passed about 4 years ago, I took responsibility of her daughter and we’ve lived alone for the past years, during the fallout from that episode we grew closer than ever, but lately she’s been behaving differently.

She has always dressed extremely casual around the house but in the past few months it has changed, one morning I noticed she was wearing one of my white undershirts I wear under my button up shirts to work every day, it was surprising, what she was wearing was revealing but not too revealing, the shirt is white, thin but not overly so, and goes barely covering her buttocks which gave me a glimpse of her panties. I was surprised to see her wearing it but decided it wasn’t a big deal. It’s her house and maybe she was comfortable wearing that.

But it kept happening more and more often, I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable or make things awkward also didn’t want to put myself in the position where I was telling her what she could and couldn’t wear in her own house.

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