I’m an indie developer and I built a website for Erotica fiction writing using AI. You write a piece of the story will continue with you. Last time this subreddit gave me a ton of great feedback – looking forward to round 2

Hi all!

I’m the founder of [MyTales](https://mytales.io/), a website that generates erotic fiction. I posted here a [couple of months back](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zh7ybn/im_an_indie_developer_and_i_built_a_site_to/) and got a ton of great feedback. The most asked feature was more control over the storyline, and that the images are sometimes super weird.

So, you now get total control of the story. You can edit it, delete sections, etc, to match your preferred kink and sex. So you can step into the story and change it to suit your tastes.

The images are still super weird sometimes. I’m working on it.

I’d love any more feedback on this. What would it take to for this to be a great app?

Categorized as Erotica

I’m an indie developer and I built a site to generate your own stories with AI (complete with images) – would love some community feedback

Hi all,

I built [Mytales](https://mytales.io/theme/date) as a passion project, for free. The basic idea is sort of like a build your own adventure – story starts with a text generated by an AI, and you can write literally anything to move the plot. It also generates some pictures (occasionally horrifying, sometimes very good) to match with the story.

I’d love to get any input from this community on how to make it work for erotica. You can try it out right now, and it definitely plays along with erotica themes. Any feedback about things you’d want to see (different opening styles, AI behavior, etc) would be very interesting for me to hear about.

I really hope you play around with it. It’s free, and it’s a labour of love, not some corporation trying to sell you on anything.

Categorized as Erotica