The Tenant

I own a small apartment block in the Philippines, simple rooms but a home for several girls. One, Erika when she came to me, being much smaller than me I couldn’t help but feel paternal and want to protect her. Her petite, fragile frame reflective of the abusive family she sought to escape, but lacked the finances. I did my best to reduce her rent and time to time I’d check in on her, make sure she’s ok, provide her with guidance and counselling, cook her the odd meal. Often I’d be reminded of the outline of her feminine body, petite and tight with a healthy red glow, her inviting lips and innocent needing eyes. Sometimes when I was in the mood I’d knock on her door, and after a brief talk start touching and kissing her. At first she seemed nervous, shy, she hadn’t done anything like that before. Perhaps a bit frightened, but there was also a lust and desire in her eye. Afterwards she’d feel safe and loved, cared for and protected. I felt like she was kept safe in that home of ours, protected and sheltered from the world, safely mine. However one day she came home with a guy. She was wearing the skirt and blouse I’d dressed her with earlier, covering her attractive curves, breasts and body so well and yet it seemed to have attracted a fly wanting to taint my ripe fruit. I asked her what it was about and of the rule for no guests at the apartments. She seemed like a child caught by her parent and at this point I was a bit annoyed, she was mine and I didn’t know who this guy was, or if he had good intentions even. I asked him to go outside as I talked to her, and as I thought more about how someone else might be touching my girl I got possessive.

Categorized as Erotica