Steps to infidelity [M/F]

*A pretty little flower, hidden from most, raised to follow after, always an afterthought*.

A lady of character one would think at first sight. One from a bygone era of stay at home housewives and decorum. A spouse that is the envy of husbands and inspires petty jealousies among the wives. But… You have a secret, don’t you?

It starts with mild flirting, perhaps caught behind a long checkout line while you were doing your daily grocery shopping. Perhaps it was a clothing store where you bumped into him buying something for your spouse. Something small, something that was special to you two. And so you repeated it. It was after all pure flirtation, nothing more. You were a devoted wife and nothing would make you stray from your marriage…

He was handsome and a mystery, you were lonely and long past the days where you encountered mysteries. Unlike most other men who had hit on you post marriage he was different, for the simple fact, he didn’t. He treated you like a human, not a video game character whose heart he could win with a few code words. So you let your guard down.

At Sea (Older woman and younger man breeding… Way cringey dialogue) [M/F]

A holiday away from all those obligations. The job, the family, the social drama of the day. You needed a getaway to soothe her soul, and what better balm for the soul than new sights in new and strange places. What better holiday than a cruise where she would have nothing else to think about except to live in the moment. Just you a good book and a pleasant ocean view. So why is it you are bent over, holding onto your bedpost for dear life?

The smell of salt air pervading the senses. Taste of a cool sea breeze alighting on your tongue. Waves lapping against the sides of your boat, a musical song played just for your ears. The majestic vista of the pure blue ocean splayed out in front of you. And the slow rocking motions of the ship, lulling you to relax. Yet…

Categorized as Erotica

School days (A highschool student hookup written in the style of angsty smut) [M/F]

# Part 1

He was furious, she was unwilling to back down. He had his future to think of. She only thought of what was right. He wanted her to just bend a little, but her strength of character was worth much more than the empty promises of the school’s heartthrob.

What can one do when logic fails. When years of hard work could be undone by a careless whisper? Unable to contain his fury he lashes out. Thrusting out his arm to block her way forward. That was all he wanted. But in his fury he couldn’t control his strength. His arm flew past mere inches from her head…

The palm stuck the wall with a resounding clap. He himself did not realize how hard he lashed out. The pain reverberating though his hand up his elbows and to his shoulders. But his face? Not an ounce of pain is shown. His self control working over time to keep her face in focus. His upper lip curling upwards slightly, in an apparent show of disdain.

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