Nick slumped down on the couch with a heavy sigh. What a long ass day, he thought. He quickly checked his watch for the time, dreading how late it was.11:56pm. He would get only a couple hours of sleep before he had to get up, despite tomorrow being a Saturday. He had promised his daughter, Maria that he’d take her to get her car fixed first thing in the morning. She’d be headed back to her college classes on Monday and God knows how long her car might take. Sooner is better, Nick thought. With another heavy sigh he stood up and grabbed his glass of whiskey, a personal favorite. Despite how often he drank it, he still felt a little buzz after a glass or two without food. Smiling, he started up the stairs to lie next to his wife, Anna who would undoubted be asleep. I’d really like a blowjob right now. It’d help me relax, that’s for sure. He got to the top of the stairs and paused, thinking about a sloppy blowjob from his petite wife. They were both in their fifties now, but Anna held onto her youthful grace pretty damn well. I picked good. * He let the daydream continue on, thinking about Anna's lips wrapped around his cock. *I should wake her up and get a little play going, he smirked. But no, she’d never been that type. “Sorry, buddy” he drunkenly whispered to his now erect penis bulging in his pants. It’s been a while since Nick had gotten any action, even masturbation. He was always so damn busy and…Okay, fine. Five minutes, I’ll get off and go to bed. Maybe it was the alcohol, but his dick was desperate.
Author: unknownvoyeur
Back From College [mf, incest, reluc]
“I can’t wait to come home and see you!” Carley squealed on the phone to her little brother. It would be her first time back home in almost two years. “You’ve grown a ton in the year I’ve been away at college!”
“I’m pretty much the same, sis.“ Brendan replied. Others thoughts occupied his mind, like how much his sister had grown in the last year. He never really noticed it before but she wasso beautiful. Small in height and weight – 115 at most, blonde hair, she only came up to his chest, thin waist and C cup breasts (he’d done her laundry a couple of times when Mom asked him too). She even had a touch of six-pack abs on her stomach from her gymnastics days. Her best feature though, in Brendan opinion was her butt. She had an ass that guys loved – big, round and filled yoga pants like none other. Put a tight g-string on that ass and you’d have heaven. A rare trait in young white girls.
Late at night before bed, she’d often wear short spanks from her high school days, even when guests were over. Several of Brendan’s friends were often caught staring at her butt by Brendan, but only because he would be staring too.