So this is how it all started my husband and I have been together for so long now I can’t remember sometimes how many years. Yes we have had our ups and downs but what couple doesn’t. Well we decided that since we have so much fun together with just the two of us why not add someone else in too. At the beginning it was fun still scary at times but fun when the right people were there. Then as time has gone on every time we start to get intimate with each other he pays more attention to his phone looking through grinder or adam4adam or whatever sites and apps he’s got. Just chatting away with people while I am right in between his legs giving him head trying to turn him on so we can have our fun. Don’t get me wrong it gets him hard and all but I sit there always asking my self is it cause of me doing it am I turning him on or is it the people he’s looking at and talking to turning him on. Instead of picturing me doing it wishing it was the other person or people doing it. Now every time we start to do something I’m always wondering if he wishes it was someone else. Or maybe if I did something different would he finally put his phone down and pay attention to me. But I guess I just have to face it now that’s just how my life is going to be now. Me doing everything I can for him and him always on his apps talking with others. And knowing in the back of my head I will never be quite good enough for him. If our marriage didn’t mean as much as it does to me and if our bond wasn’t as strong as it is I would be leaving and I would probably never be with anyone else ever again for the fact that I can’t really trust anyone. Stay tuned for part 2