Episode 1: Finally they meet.

After having picked up some things she had asked him to go get her for dinner, Jay hurries back toward her flat smiling. The gentleman he was, of course he had gladly gone. On the way back, he thinks of all the things they’ve talked about doing during the months of getting to know each other online. He fondly recalls the video chats, the text messages, the sexting, and of course, the naughty photos that are on his phone. He licks his lower lip, thinking of her body in those photos and the way she makes him smile. And the way he makes her giggle in that naughty way she does. Oh, how he loves that giggle. A lady behind him in the queue at the shop had looked at him funny and asked if he was okay, since he had been so lost in his own thoughts, thinking of that ass dancing in the kitchen this morning, and the scent of her – rose water and coconut.

Categorized as Erotica