To the Girl Who Works at McDonalds

I don’t need this much caffeine.

No one does.

Don’t get me wrong, I like coffee.  A lot.  But I don’t need to walk across the street to McDonalds 5 times a day to get it.

I do need to walk across the street to McDonalds to see you though.

You work the night shift, which is perfect for my sleep schedule.  I wake up around one o’clock and you must be just getting to work.  Because you’ve been there almost every day so far.

I look for you when I walk in there.  We may be wearing masks but I can make out your figure as soon as I walk in the door.

Goddamn are those work pants tight on you.

Forget the caffeine – that’s the shot of energy that I need to wake me up.  One look at your thick ass in those pants and I am perked up.

I know you know I look.  Some times we lock eyes.  Sometimes you look away.  Sometimes we just look at each other.

I can see you getting caught up in it.  You forget that you’re supposed to be bagging orders for a second.  Are you imagining what it would be like?  Are you wondering what I’m thinking?

Categorized as Erotica