Fun at the Drive-In [MF] [oral] [public]

I walked out of the building to find you waiting in your rental car parked at the curb with your warning flashers on. When I walked over and tapped on the window you looked my way and your face split into a huge smile. A dropped into the passenger seat and pulled your face to mine. I specifically remember feeling the excitement as our lips touched and our tongues danced; that feeling of longing and need. You pulled away from the curb and I directed you through the city toward the drive-in and, after paying the admission, we parked near the back of one of the smaller screens. We just sat and talked, your head resting on my chest, in the front seat as the sun went down and the surrounding became veiled with the shadow of darkness.

I leaned down, placing my lips next to your ear, and whispered, “get into the backseat, love.” As you wordlessly climb into the back seat, I maneuver the front seats to the forward-most position. Then, I climb out of the front seat and join you in the back. As the first movie begins, I wrap my arm around your back and pull your body close to mine. My fingers trace patterns up your arms and along the side of your neck, and I’m sure you can hear my heart pounding in my chest.

A cuddle is the perfect cure to a bad day [MF]

I could tell you were having an off day as soon as I walked through the door. All the lights in the apartment were off, no sounds, no smells (I thought you were planning to bake today). I check the couch and the bathroom before discovering you curled up with Rosie in our bed. I call to her and she crawls out from under your arm, stretches, and walks over to me. I scratch her behind her ears before shrugging off my work clothes and climbing into bed and under the blankets behind you. You lift your head slightly as I maneuver my left arm under your neck and wrap my right arm around your chest just below your breasts. Your skin is warm, and I wonder if you’re not feeling well or if the increase in temperature is due to your hibernation in your blanket cave. As I settle in, I naturally match my breathing to yours and our chests rises and fall in harmony. I reach up with my right hand and run my fingers through your hair, and you grab my left hard as it protrudes from under the pillow and rest your cheek on my palm. Your inhale deeply through your nose taking in my scent and I sense some of the tension leave your body.