I have been a very naughty daddy.

She paused as she squatted over my face, her perfectly smooth crotch mere inches from my mouth.

“Do you willingly accept your punishment, daddy?” she asked.

I mumbled in the affirmative. At this point, I had little alternative.

She had walked into my bedroom only five minutes previously and caught me red handed, lying naked on my bed, with a pair of someone else’s panties wrapped around my cock. She knew they weren’t hers, and her initial suspicions proved to be accurate.

“Daddy, are you jerking off with the neighbour’s girl’s panties again?”

Our Neigbour had a very cute college aged daughter who was back for the holidays. She smiled a lot and waved hi to me in the street every morning. I found that I could see here changing in her bedroom in the evenings, and I has my suspicions that she was leaving her blinds open for the express purpose of letting me watch. This morning she had been hanging her laundry out to try on the line in the garden, and perhaps there was one fewer pair of plain white cotton panties there when she picked them up in the afternoon.

Categorized as Erotica

Was I rape-baited? (CNC/dubCon, MF)

Long story, bear with me. It happened the day before yesterday (Friday), but I won’t know the results until next weekend.

A bit of background. My friend Mike got married last year and he and his lovely new wife, Susanna, bought a new home in January. They had been planning to have a housewarming party, but those plans were paused due to the COVID-19 lockdown, and now that the British goverment has started to relax the restrictions he and his wife decided to have a combined housewarming/1st anniversary party.

There were three groups of people at the party; peeps from his work (bus driver), from Susanna’s work (chef) and from their shared hobbies (movies and boardgames). I was in the third group. It was one of his work friends, Mary, who made the night interesting. I’d never met her before that night, as mike was the only shared friend we had.

Educating Laura, a ddlg saga. Part 17.

And here it is. The long awaited part 17. If you have enjoyed my work previously, I hope this one will meet your expectations. If you haven’t read any of my work before then you can find it in my profile, but at some point I will add direct links here as well. Enjoy!


Part 17.

We had all been very busy; my students preparing for their exams, and myself preparing things for my students, Laura in particular. The morning of the final exam had arrived and I could see them waiting outside the exam room, pumped and ready for combat.

Examination board rules strictly forbid teachers from supervising the exams of the subjects they taught, so as my students marched into the exam room all I could do is hand out high five and words of praise and encouragement. Laura pauses by me as she went in and whispered “I’m plugged up, daddy”, and gave a little wiggle of her bum as she headed to her assigned seat. All 18 of the class were there, all 18 ready for this last test, all 18 looking confident and happy.

Educating Laura, part 16. A ddlg saga.

Here is part 16!

[Parts 1-4](https://www.reddit.com/r/ddlg/comments/arkta6/educating_laura_a_ddlg_story_repost_parts_14/)

[Parts 5-8](https://www.reddit.com/r/ddlg/comments/arku7u/educating_laura_a_ddlg_story_repost_parts_58/)

[Parts 9-10](https://www.reddit.com/r/ddlg/comments/arkutd/educating_laura_a_ddlg_story_repost_parts_910/)

[Parts 11-12](https://www.reddit.com/r/ddlg/comments/arky7g/educating_laura_a_ddlg_story_repost_parts_1112/)

[Part 13](https://www.reddit.com/r/ddlg/comments/arkvrw/educating_laura_a_ddlg_story_glorious_oc_part_13)

[Part 14](https://www.reddit.com/r/ddlg/comments/assglk/educating_laura_a_ddlg_story_part_14)

[Part 15](https://www.reddit.com/r/ddlg/comments/bq4cuk/educating_laura_a_ddlg_saga_part_15_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app)

Part 16.

The sun and moon danced across the sky as the earth turns, and before we knew it the exams were upon it. Laura was still coming round to my flat several night a well for revision. Actually, hard work revision. We only had a little time for fun and games, but two or three times a week we headed down to the Prince of Wales for a drink. Laura quickly became friends with the landlords, Dick and Judy, as well as some of the regulars we went painting with, like Dave and Liz, and Pete and Jess.

Her toughest exam, history, was on the Monday before her Fridays maths exam. We had spent the Saturday revising, writing practice essays based on sample sources, and doing quick-fire quizzes on key periods of British history. By 8pm she seemed ready, and I made an executive decision to head down to the Prince for a well deserved pint. It would be her last night at my place for a while, she needed to be with her mother and brother for a few weeks, at least until her last exams, and I was going to miss spending all my free time with her, but she was confident in her independent revision, and I would have a few more workshops in school for my maths students before their exam on Friday.